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Call for Proposals: The UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund

Deadline: 18 July 2022

The UK Government is accepting proposals for its Conflict, Stability and Security Fund that aims to champion the role of Women and Girls in Peacebuilding, within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Objective: Women are central in building support for and increasing political prospects of achieving the 2 state solution.

Funding Information

The maximum funding for the project is up to GBP 380,000 in financial year 1 – FY 22/23 (July 2022 to March 2023). This may be in addition to co-funding and self-funding contributions. £380,000 is the maximum, however they will consider smaller bids and may decide to implement grants for up to 2 projects up to a total of £380,000.


Increased prominence and amplification of women’s voices in positive discussions around peace and dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis in Israeli public debate.

Eligibility Criteria

The project will be managed under an Accountable Grant Agreement. Projects in this framework are not allowed to generate a profit for the delivery partner. Proposals from for-profit organisations can only be considered if an officially registered non-profit making arm or division of the for-profit organisation will deliver the project.

The successful bidder must be willing to engage closely with the British Embassy in Israel and our independent project evaluators. It must commit to deliver a project in line with HMG policy. This will include close cooperation during the inception and recruitment period.

The project should work with Israeli participants across society, and involve engagement with Palestinians (though not necessarily as project participants themselves). The proposal must demonstrate how the project benefits both Israelis and Palestinians. Bidders must demonstrate that they have an existing, diverse network in place to identify relevant participants.


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