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Changemaker: Does the word apply to you?

Are you a Changemaker?

We all see things that need changing, but is it easy to make a difference?

I would like to explain how easy it is.

(Updated 25/01/23)

Over the last series of blogs, I have started you on a “process” by giving you

· getting you to define what success means to you, and

· and how it all fits with Paying It Forward.

Becoming a changemaker is also part of our journey.

In this blog, I want to share with you:

Changemaker: What does the word mean to you?

The world is changing and we need to change with it. We need to be able to adapt and work within the fast-paced global and cyber economy. But we must also make sure that we leave no one behind.

To achieve this, the most important thing we need to be able to do is to change our mindset and start seeing things from different perspectives.

So, are you a changemaker who can embrace change and adapt? If so, then, let’s begin the next stage of our active engagement process.

It is important to note that “Changemaker” is not just a title. It is a mindset, an attitude. It is an approach to life, that we can all adopt.

We can all be changemakers if we are willing to remain positive and Focus on action, not just words.

I live by the philosophy of Thomas L. Friedman “Pessimists are usually right and optimists are usually wrong but all the great changes have been accomplished by optimists.”

As we discussed in the last blog, Entrepreneurship is a way to make the world a better place, first by making your own life better and then by making the world a better place – Being an Entrepreneur is also being a Changemaker.

An Entrepreneur’s success is not just about achieving personal goals, it is also about achieving goals that have an impact on the world around them. It's about being an agent of change and affecting positive change in society, for themselves and for others.

Entrepreneurs and Changemakers have one big thing in common – they TAKE ACTION.

The Power of Changemakers

Here is my favourite Changemaker story:

This is my story too...

The Starfish Story

Original Story by: Loren Eiseley

One day a man was walking along the beach, he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”

The young boy replied, "Throwing the starfish back into the ocean ... The surf is up and the tide is going out... If I don't throw them back they will die.”

"Son," the man said, "don't you realise ....There are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You cannot make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf.

Then, smiling at the man, he said “I made a difference for that one.”

Which one are you?

The Person – who says it won’t make a difference and who does nothing?

The Person – who helps others without reward but knows they are making small changes?

The Starfish – who needs saving?

I used to be the Starfish! I put myself in the position where I needed help, ‘a victim’ if you like.

However, on many occasions, there were not the people around me who would throw me back into the flow of life... I realised it was me, myself, who had always struggled against the resistance to put myself back on track.

So, Mr Darwin was right – it is survival of the fittest!

You cannot just give up or you could be left high and dry like our stranded starfish!

Every morning when I wake up, I remind myself how grateful I am to have been born where I was born. I take a few seconds to thank the Universe. Not only do I have a privileged life compared to most in the world but I have been given the responsibility to use that privilege. I maximise every minute of the day into making the world a better place for those less fortunate than myself.

I have ONE goal every day and that is that I should change the life of just one person during that day so that my day on the earth was worth it.

Now you know why I included the Star Fish Story.

How can you become a changemaker?

As a Changemaker, there are just two things you need to do to begin the journey

1. Understand Change

2. Never fear Starting

CHANGE is the only constant in life.

YOU will have to deal with Change throughout your life, no matter what you try to do to avoid it. That includes the change around you and the change within you.

The change around you, you have less or little control over. But the change within you is something you can manage if you want to. It is not about changing your clothes or your personality; it's much bigger than that - It is about changing your mindset.

What is the definition of mindset?

Your mindset is the way you think. It’s your fixed, your normal way of thinking, that determines your attitude, your responses to situations, and your actions. Your habits and your behaviour are determined by your mindset.

Do you have a positive or negative mindset (be honest!)?

Can you change yourself?

Are you willing to change yourself to achieve the change you want to see in this world?

It is frequently said that our brains, and our DNA, the genetic material of which we are made, has already been set to an autopilot of “negative”. The reason for this is because when we were all cavemen and women, the animals were often larger than us and they ate us for their food. So, we always had the fear of being eaten, and that made us negative. That fear has been transposed, and moved to many areas of our lives now, despite dinosaurs not walking the earth anymore!

Changing your mindset to be positive will result in you achieving so much more than you could imagine of yourself, and reaching the success you desire. So, take time to consider what your mindset is and whether there may be somethings that need changing to have a more productive mindset.

Remember the traits of a successful person are all centred on a positive mindset.

What makes a Changemaker?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. However, we can identify some general characteristics that are often associated with changemakers. These include:

· Vision with a clear view of the goal they are working towards

· A passion to make a difference

· A willingness to challenge the status quo and think outside the box

· A determination to see things through, even when the going gets tough

· An ability to inspire others and mobilise them towards a common goal

· A knack to spot opportunities and seize them

· An entrepreneurial spirit

· Strong resilience and the tenacity to persist, and withstand criticism

· Commitment with a deep conviction, demonstrated by action, that what they are working towards really matters.

· Integrity, doing the right thing, no matter how difficult that might be

· Connection, relating to others, creating communities and galvanising people to join the change mission.

Changemakers are individuals who dare to be different, to stand out in a crowd as leaders and drivers of change.

I am a Changemaker – Are you?

We have created this list as an A4 poster for you to put it somewhere you can see it every day. Download it here: I am a Changemaker

Which brings us to START!

You will be amazed how many people have a fear of starting!

Starting is hard. It's scary. It's unknown - But it's also exciting and full of potential.

Unfortunately, too many people let their fear of starting to hold them back from achieving their goals and from making change. They don't take that first step because they're afraid of what might happen.

But what if you just took that first step? What if you started despite your fear? You might be surprised at what you can accomplish.

When you start, you open yourself up to new possibilities and new opportunities. You never know where starting might lead you.

If you're feeling stuck, or like you're not sure where to go next,

START and see where it takes you…..

The good news is, that in effect, you have already started.

Now, I am going to ask you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and into areas that may make you feel uneasy.

Start to think differently every day: Start to focus on new dimensions of your talents and yourself and how they can support your mission of being a changemaker. It’s just about making small steps and taking them slowly …. You cannot run before you can walk!

You start and then retain the momentum.

Form your thinking, then your ideas, and turn those ideas into action. DO the actions, no matter how uncomfortable they seem.

99 percent of people don’t do what is asked of them because they are stuck with the belief that it will not work. If you are already thinking in that way, then you may as well STOP now.

Why changemakers are important

Changemaker questions:

So, let’s start by analysing your thinking regarding your potential to be a changemaker.

In your head I want you to rate yourself on your ability to make a change

(You can write it down if you prefer so you can look back later and see how far you have come)

Out of ten what is your ability to make a change today:

For you Personally

In your Community?

In your Country?

In the World?

Now tell me:

What makes you get up in the morning? (beyond the alarm clock!)

What are you passionate about?

Really think about it because the things that make you jump out of bed are the things you love, and they are the things you should be doing the most. These are the things you can start a business on, maybe develop a project or identify a career from, and from there be the change you want to see.

Make a list and keep the list because you will need to keep referring to it during your journey. (Try and keep simple one-word answers - they are easier to remember and sort out later.)

Having asked you for your definition of success, and the change you want to see in earlier blogs:

What was that change?

Is it still the same now?

Can you link the change you want to see to the things you are passionate about?

I asked you to consider those questions regarding your ability because very often we do not contemplate our own abilities. You already know we use less than 10 percent of our brains. So, if we start to think about what we are doing and what more we could do, well, then maybe we could start to do a little more!

How to become an effective Changemaker

When you hear the word “changemaker,” what comes to mind? You might think of someone who is passionate about making a difference in the world, whether that’s through social justice work, environmentalism, or another cause.

What is your cause?

Be the change you want to see :

10 Traits of an Effective Changemaker

1. One of the most important traits of a changemaker is that they are visionary. They understand the change they want to see, and what it looks like when it’s completed.

2. To be an effective changemaker you must therefore be guided by your inner sense of responsibility and your principles.

3. All change starts from within you. You will need to identify and remove beliefs and negativities that have been imposed on you over the years by external forces and trust yourself, and your vision for the future.

4. Recognise that you have a part to play in life, in history and that you have a right to leave your legacy.

5. Accept that through your privileges in life, you have also been given responsibilities – Put your hand out and pull another person up – That’s what Paying It Forward is all about.

6. No matter what distractions, always remain Focused on the change you want to see and deliver. Use your talents and passion to retain your momentum and be effective.

7. Learn to create a No Blame Culture (we will cover this in a later blog) but it is about taking responsibility and not passing the burden to others, not blaming others when things go wrong, but accepting that you can shoulder the blame, and then move on to be productive.

8. Shouldering the responsibility does not have to be just you. You can create a committee of like-minded people, those who have a similar vision to you with different skills that can further invigorate and empower the change.

9. Collaborate, cooperate and communicate with others, even those who disagree with you to learn and prepare for your mission and its growth.

10. Change takes time, be patient. Trust to yourself and know that you are fulfilling your mission in life and that it will take time, persistence and perseverance.

Simply put: Changemakers are thought leaders with a growth mindset to succeed.

"You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank

Author Madi No Excuses!

Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist

Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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