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Fantasize: Visualise YOUR Success, however, you define it

Every success begins with a fantasy

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to manifesting your desires is to Fantasize about them.

Your 7Fs to Success

As I explained in our 7 Billion Ideas to Action blog post to achieve what you have written on your Blank Piece of Paper you must now work to materialise it, to make it happen. To make it simple, the steps you need to take are prepared for you as 7 Fs.

These are the 7 stages of your journey:

Fantasize - Visualise YOUR success, however you define it
Feasible – Know everything is possible
Foundation – Establish the building blocks for our journey
Failure – Convert the fear to positives, and learn from mistakes
Fit For Purpose -Accept YOU CAN DO IT!
Focus – Direct every thought, every action towards YOUR success
Face – Live it, be it now!

These F’s and sections are always a ‘work in process' and so can be revisited in any order and at any point in your life. However, it is advisable to do them in the order set out above the first time you go through the process.

And don't forget to have Fun while you are doing it!

Definition of Fantasizing

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.”

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living

When we Fantasize, we allow our minds to wander into what could be.

We let go of the here and now, and instead focus on a future that we desire.

Fantasizing can be a fun way to escape reality, but it can also be a powerful tool for manifesting our dreams into goals, and our goals into reality, and the reality into success.

Fantasizing is a form of visualization. When we visualize, we create mental images of what we want to happen. This process activates the law of attraction, which brings us closer to our ambitions.

It is important to be clear about what you want: See yourself living the life of your dreams and feel the emotions that would come with that.

The more you Fantasize, the quicker you will start to see changes happening in your life, and before long, your fantasy will become a reality.

When it comes to success, it all starts with a fantasy. No matter how you define success, it all starts with imagining what it would be like to achieve a goal.

Visualising your success is a powerful way to help you focus on your ambitions and stay motivated to achieve them. It can also give you the confidence that you need to take action and make your dreams a reality.

Fantasy to Reality for a Changemaker

In our last blog post Changemaker: Does the word apply to you?, I asked you:

Out of ten what is your ability to make a change today:

For you Personally

In your Community?

In your Country?

In the World?

How did you do?

Now that you have done your list, I can share some of my scores:

Out of 10 what is MY ability to make a change today:

• For me personally – it is 9/10.

The reason is motivation, and I have no fear to do the things that I want to do! For those of you who may be reading my book Madi No Excuses!, you will see that in the book it was only 5/10 – As I age now, I have understood that time is running out, so I must be more motivated and more committed!!

• In my community – 9/10.

I love to motivate those around me and so I teach and mentor: I know if I dedicated my time to people like you, my Madinaut Community, then together we can make lots of changes. It’s the reason why I also teach in schools and mentor young people and Entrepreneurs.

I know that even as an individual without qualifications, I will always have my knowledge, networks and experiences to share with others. I am not insisting they take it, but something I say may be of interest to them and by me listening to them, I acquire knowledge too.

• In my country – 8/10.

This used to be quite easy for me because I have my voice and my enthusiasm and that means I can be an influencer. I can lobby and advocate. I have a passion for human talent, businesses and women and I can do a great deal to affect change. Don't get me wrong, it is not easy and the biggest excuse I can use is that civil servants and politicians will always try to stop me. But that is just an excuse. No one can stop me if I am passionate enough. And the policymakers in Brussels can tell you that I never stop trying to make changes and that I pester until I get what is required. Very often it occurs that I bring others along to support me and so we create a mass of voices! These days I am a little less engaged with politicians and government administrations and so it’s only 8/10

• In the world – 9/10.

If you love what you do and believe in what you are doing and why you are doing it, then it is easy to be an influencer and a strong leader: The world is just a bigger version of your country. The focus needs to be on ‘What is the problem? How can I offer the solution?’ When I am passionate about something, I will of course offer a solution!

What is the problem? How can I offer the solution?’

Please understand I am not saying I can end world poverty, or feed the world tomorrow, but I am saying that I know I can influence global thinking by getting my messages across clearly and by TAKING ACTION which will result in changes, no matter how small.

Being a Changemaker begins with a fantasy – A fantasy in your head of seeing you make a difference.

So, if you’re ready to get started on making your fantasies become reality, let’s go!

How to Fantasize effectively

To reiterate, in order to achieve success, it is important to first have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. This means taking the time to Fantasize about your desired outcome, and then working through a process, a series of actions, to make it happen.

To reiterate, in order to achieve success, it is important to first have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. This means taking the time to Fantasize about your desired outcome, and then working through a process, a series of actions, to make it happen.

Don’t worry about the How?

We will get to that.

While some people may scoff at the idea of spending time daydreaming about their goals, the truth is that this exercise can be incredibly powerful in helping you to manifest your desires.

By taking the time to visualize your success, you are planting the seeds in your subconscious mind that will help you to take the necessary steps to make your dreams a reality.

The more specific and realistic your visualization is, the more likely you are to achieve it. So don't be afraid to really let your imagination run wild!

Let yourself Fantasize about all the incredible things you can achieve, and then get started making them happen.

You can Fantasize about anything:

  • Fantasize about your ideal life and what it would look like

  • Fantasize your success in your career, and what you need to do to get there

  • Fantasize your ideal self, and what you would be like

  • Fantasize your dream home, and what it would look like

  • Fantasize about your perfect relationship, and what it would look like

  • Fantasize your ideal vacation, and where you would go

  • Fantasize about your perfect day, and what you would do

All these are achievable through the exercise of Fantasizing, just be aware that if you follow this process properly and with commitment, then all your goals can be achieved.

	Fantasize about your ideal life and what it would look like 	Fantasize your success in your career, and what you need to do to get there 	Fantasize your ideal self, and what you would be like 	Fantasize your dream home, and what it would look like 	Fantasize about your perfect relationship, and what it would look like 	Fantasize your ideal vacation, and where you would go 	Fantasize about your perfect day, and what you would do

This is the first part of the process which will lead you to your success, the way you define it.

Are you ready to start Fantasizing?

Firstly, I think it is important that we clarify what I mean by ‘Fantasizing’ - people have their preconceived meaning of words. Therefore, let me make it clear what Fantasizing means here.

Fantasizing is about letting go.

Letting go of all the restrictions imposed on you, and those you impose on yourself... Yes, we are very good at imposing very tough disciplines on ourselves which no one else requested!

When you are willing to let go, you can really start to imagine the unimaginable. After all, how else would we be looking up at the sky to define what happened millions of years ago?

Fantasizing is a mental process.

When you let go, you create in your head a unique picture of what you would like to conceive, of what you would really like to achieve. As you think more about the idea you enhance it, improve it and try and make it real even within your head, so you can be absorbed into your own picture. This process is called ‘visualisation’ where you are right at the start of creating your own vision.

Fantasizing is a mental process. When you let go, you create in your head a unique picture of what you would like to conceive, of what you would really like to achieve. As you think more about the idea you enhance it, improve it and try and make it real even within your head, so you can be absorbed into your own picture. This process is called ‘visualisation’ where you are right at the start of creating your own vision.

Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

This quote is from his book “Think and Grow Rich” which I recommend to all my mentees. It describes the power of positive thinking based on a series of case studies. It is published in most languages of the world and is a global bestseller.

You can Fantasize about anything, at any time and in any place.

I would like you to start by having a specific fantasy – one with a vision for the kind of life you want:

What changes do you want to see and most importantly what are you absolutely committed to achieving?

It can be simple, it can be complex, it can be drastically different to what you have now or it can be more of the same.

The fantasy I want you to see is the one that keeps you awake at night; because you know that this is the one that will change your life, and possibly the lives of others.

It should disturb your sleep because you want to keep ‘growing’ the images and refining the picture. In fact, you are so engrossed in the picture that you want to get it out of your head and onto a piece of paper... And just as importantly, during the day you also drift off into your fantasy because it keeps pulling you back in subconsciously.

In any fantasy, there are no rules

– We are back to the Blank Piece of Paper. The page belongs to YOU.

I would like to remind you that no matter what you are Fantasizing about, you do not need any money, you do not need any qualifications and you do not need anyone to tell you that you can do it. This is strictly for YOU.

OK! Ready? Let’s try it!

Read through the next paragraphs, there is a summary at the end, and then you can do the exercise yourself:

Relax, somewhere quiet, close your eyes and see where your mind takes you.

The process of starting this exercise is actually very simple, although it may feel a little uncomfortable for those of you not used to relaxing.

You do not have to be alone or to have silence.

My favourite place is the beach on a sunny day, or late at night looking up at the stars or listening to music by composers such as Brahms. The sun on your face has a great impact if it is possible to do this in the sun, or by the sea with the sound of waves.

It is not meditation, although the process is similar.

You will need 20 - 40 minutes to do this exercise well, no interruptions.

Lay back and relax, take three deep breaths and really relax the body.

Now close your eyes. Take three more deep breaths focusing on your breathing as the air enters and leaves your lungs.

Now just start to let go. Feel your body sinking into the material below you.

Now transform your mind into a large cinema screen, the movie playing is with YOU in the starring role.

What life have you created for yourself?

What things are in the picture?

What do you see yourself doing?

What more would you like to do?

What’s happening in the film?

Each of the scenes defines the future you want.

Where is your mind taking you?

Keep asking questions.

Is there a scene you would really like to appear in but, you are either too shy or too frightened to even visualise it?

Slowly introduce it into your fantasy - No one else can see your film so you are in a safe place to make it happen.

Relax and make it happen in your mind.

Continue to build your story, your future.

Keep relaxed... There are no restrictions... You can think of anything... You can be anybody... You can do anything... Now you are really Fantasizing... Keep going...

It is very likely you fell into a deep sleep, there is no ‘The End’, there is always a ‘To be continued’...

Give yourself one or two days and consciously try and remember what you were Fantasizing about.

Make a few notes on paper, go back and try the process again.

Maybe you can define some aspects more clearly.

Keep relaxed, and always remember there are no borders, no boundaries that you cannot cross, and no restrictions to stop you from achieving your personal vision.

You should know, that for a few of you, this exercise could possibly cause some mental disturbance for a short period of time as you realise that things are not as you would like them to be.

It could be called an ‘awakening’!

But I would like to ask you to be patient and not react nor demand change immediately.

Repeat the process several times until the Fantasizing and visioning images become more and more clear and defined.

The image you are working towards is the one of you celebrating, having achieved your goal and your success the way you define it. It shows you as the Changemaker – and those you have impacted, celebrating with you.

Key Points for Fantasy to Reality

Please think about it. Life is not a rehearsal; you do not get to come back and do it all over again! Live every day as if it were your last.

I know we rarely think about death or our legacy, but there is nothing to fear if you have achieved the goals you set for yourself.

This is YOUR life.

1. Be specific about what you want to achieve. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to visualise.

2. Write down your goals and refer to them often. This will help keep you focused and motivated.

3. Create a vision board or collage of images that represent your goals. This is a great way to keep your goals on top of your mind and help manifest them into reality. (We will do this exercise in a later blog)

4. Share your goals with others who will support and encourage you. This accountability can help push you closer to achieving your dreams.

Key Points For Fantasy to Reality    Please think about it. Life is not a rehearsal; you do not get to come back and do it all over again! Live every day as if it were your last.  I know we rarely think about death or our legacy, but there is nothing to fear if you have achieved the goals you set for yourself.  This is YOUR life.    1. Be specific about what you want to achieve. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to visualise. 2. Write down your goals and refer to them often. This will help keep you focused and motivated. 3. Create a vision board or collage of images that represent your goals. This is a great way to keep your goals on top of your mind and help manifest them into reality. (We will do this exercise in a later blog)  4. Share your goals with others who will support and encourage you. This accountability can help push you closer to achieving your dreams.

As well as doing the Fantasizing exercise for homework, you could also consider the following questions:

Dig deep inside yourself

What will be your legacy?

What would you like to make your purpose in this life?

What would you like to be known for having achieved?

It is very difficult to do but try to write your Epitaph (An epitaph is either the text written on the headstone, or the words read out about a person at a funeral honouring a deceased person.)

What will be your legacy? What would you like to make your purpose in this life? What would you like to be known for having achieved?  It is very difficult to do but try to write your Epitaph (An epitaph is either the text written on the headstone, or the words read out about a person at a funeral honouring a deceased person.)

You will become a member of our Madinaut Community.

Our website and blog will keep you updated and informed with relevant guidance to support your continued development.

We will also provide you with templates, e-books and downloadables that we have created to add momentum to your quest – Meaning: You will achieve your ambitions faster, overcome any challenges, and be ready to grasp new opportunities as they appear before you.

Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank

Author Madi No Excuses!

Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist

Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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