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Female Leadership: What the world needs most now, is women!

Why Women Leaders Make The World A Better Place

These turbulent times need a new kind of guardianship: female leadership. Its time for women to step forward and take control of our 50%.

Let’s explore why the world needs more female leaders:

Redefining Equality: Why We Need More Women in Leadership

So, let me start by saying that this is not a blog about women taking over the world. There's no question that both men and women face challenges in today's world. But when it comes to equality, the playing field is still far from being level. Women are still at a disadvantage compared to men. And, in today’s turbulent times, without more female leaders, the inequality gap risks becoming even wider. Women make up half of the world's population, but they

- account for more than two-thirds of the world's illiterate adults.

- are also more likely to live in poverty than men.

- are less likely to have access to education and health care. - women are still paid less than men for doing the same job.

And whilst women have made great strides in recent years in terms of representation in leadership positions, they still lag behind men overall.

You know the inequalities, the statistics and the data, and if you want the latest, I can direct you to:

And for a great read:

The Role of Women in Politics: Why Diversity Matters

Globally, only about 24 percent of parliamentarians are women – This means all laws have been voted on by a majority men and therefore cannot deliver women’s interests and equality effectively, nor fairly.

We need to get to parity: What is available for men, is equally available for women. So, why does parity and equality matter?

When one group is disadvantaged, it can hold back progress for everyone. When half of the population is not given the same opportunities as the other half, it limits our collective potential as a society. We need to level the playing field so that everyone has an equal chance to succeed.

One way to do this, is to get more women into leadership, until we have parity in decision making.

The Revolution of Women in Leadership

Ladies, and gentlemen, let me announce that, if you have not yet accepted it, we are living in an age of volatility and change, dramatic change. So, if like me, you thought menopause was going to bring you an upheaval, then maybe hang on to a lifeline because with high inflation, recession and political instability thriving across the world, we are all going to be in for one hell of a ride, and as always, we the women will be the victims!!

Or will we?

If we can get women into leadership roles, we can avert disaster

I am sure you are telling yourself its only temporary. …Which is partly true, this current chaos will have its end, but there will be another one to follow, which overlaps, takes over, and will be superseded by something even more destructive.

This is our new normal.

Disruption, advancing technologies, innovation, pandemics, economic turbulence and male power posturing with its geopolitical impacts, have always been cycles in history, and are now all just speeded up with the capabilities of technology that don’t give us any respite.

But it’s not all doom and gloom, and this is where YOU come in.

There has never been a more important time for women to step into leadership roles, whether it be in the home, the village, the town, the municipality, the business, the school or the government,

With the current state of the world, we need female leaders more than ever before. Women leaders have the ability to bring about change and make a positive impact. We need women leaders who are compassionate, intelligent, and strong. Women who are willing to stand up for what is right and fight for what they believe in. Women leaders who will inspire others and make a difference in the world.

Building Confidence and Courage: The Necessity of Women in Leadership

Leaders of today require a combination of strength, resilience and compassion – all qualities that are associated with women.

It is not necessary to be a high achiever nor have experience as a decision maker – It is only necessary that you have a passion for change – because let’s be honest, if we continue like this, we will all have burnout.

It’s time to take responsibility. And I know you can do it.

We can no longer bury our heads in the sand, wait and watch and hope these stormy times pass. If you choose to take that path, not only will you suffer but so will your family and friends, because this will not pass.

The other thing we can no longer do, is attempt to ride the disruptive times by repeating the same things we have done in the past – in other words, it worked then, so it should work this time again. No! It’s not the same and we need to break the pattern.

“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. Albert Einstein.

And I think most importantly, we cannot just sit back and leave it to those “experienced” and “qualified” (men) people, who have got us into this mess in the first place.

So, I am serious, and this is my call to action to all you capable women.

What the world needs most now is women – Time to step up!

Look at the facts:

Women have always been second-class citizens in our society. They have been paid less than men for the same work, they have been denied many rights and opportunities, and they have faced discrimination in both the workplace and in their personal lives.

We have always accepted it, and now we are coming to the era of saying “No more – enough, we are going to take what we deserve – It’s time for change!

And if by any chance you are reading this and expecting it to be given to you, or your daughters or grand-daughters: Wake up and smell the coffee – It’s not going to happen unless we make it happen.

The Power of Utilising the Power of Women

As women, we have the same skills as men – never be fooled by the things you have been told that we are inferior in any way.

However, ADDITIONAL to men, women have a whole package of skills that can balance the current turmoil to make it manageable.

Whether you are single, married, divorced, widowed, mother, sister, daughter, niece …. you have amazing skills that can be applied in any environment to create an ecosystem where everyone benefits and is valued.

· Women are leaders who are adaptable and resilient, meaning they take fast decisions, and act to continually adjust to find an optimum solution.

· Despite having been – or should that be, still being - educationally suppressed, women are rapid learners and know how to access the right knowledge and guidance to meet the new demands and opportunities of the ever-changing landscape

· Women have the practical skills of networking, connecting and building associations, which means they don’t work on their own, but in a collective to drive change.

· Women tend to be more collaborative than men and are more likely to emphasize teamwork over competition.

· Women tend to be more compassionate than men and are more likely to take an active interest in the welfare of others.

· Women are great communicators, more likely to listen to others and value diverse perspectives and deliver clear and constructive messaging.

· Research shows that companies with a higher proportion of female leaders tend to outperform those businesses with a lower proportion of female leaders.

You can read more on the value of women in business on our blog:

“The strength of a nation lies in its women.”

We use that slogan because working with women across the world, we know that when the power of women is utilised, economies grow inclusively and sustainably.

Note I don’t say when women are empowered, because women already have their own power but are not afforded the opportunities to use it.

It was His Holiness the Dalai Lama who made this point to me, and I have never forgotten it.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes: Women Can Lead Too

I know what you are thinking – You are ready to take up the baton, but someone (male) always puts a hurdle in your way.

There are many common challenges that women face when entering leadership roles – But let’s stop letting those negatives beat us!

Yes, it’s difficult is be taken seriously, especially if you are unknown or not profiled in your field. This is where passion and persistence come in. You have to keep knocking on the door until you can get someone to open the door. Then, you have to jam your foot in it, so it can only be opened wider in order for you to share what you have to offer, and more importantly, why you want to be taken seriously.

Am I “emotional and nurturing”? – Hell yes, I am and I am not going to apologise for it! This is an essential quality of the new leadership we require. Being emotional, passionate and nurturing makes me a competent leader.

It’s a myth that women are not good at networking.

It’s not a myth that women prefer not to stand at the bar talking business, or play a round of golf to gain clients, and therefore choose not to do it. Nevertheless, women do have their own subtle way of networking, and where it is essential to make a connection for a selfless reason, I know I can put my faith in a fellow woman to achieve it.

Networking for the sake of collecting business cards is fruitless, but networking to drive a change is something women can excel at. The biggest challenge is getting the men to allow females entry to their “boys clubs”, so that society as a whole can benefit from everyone’s intelligence, and from greater transparency.

Your unique skills are what propel you forward. Sadly, however, many women in leadership positions often receive less support from their organizations than their male counterparts. This is something we have to change, and one of the only ways we can do this is by highlighting the incidents when they happen, and by advocating for the benefits to organisations that are created when women take up leadership roles.

It may make us unpopular, but very often organisations (men) are blind to the prejudice and discrimination they are carrying out, so we just need to point it out!

Of course, there are many, men and women, who don’t want to see a woman in positions of power, and who will do everything in their power to stop females from achieving the success and leadership they deserve. These dinosaurs as I call them, also have to be showcased.

By working together and raising awareness, we can make a difference and help overcome these challenges.

The Uniqueness of Women Leaders: Strategies for Change in a Male-Centric World

Whilst there are many ways for women to grow and develop the skills necessary for leadership, here are some key areas I recommend you could focus on before applying for a position:

If you are thinking of applying for a position of leadership, I would be honoured to support you. Please use our contact form or connect on LinkedIn Madi Sharma.

I am not a certified coach, but I am an experienced leader who has been working on personal development and communication for several decades. I don’t bite, and I don’t charge unless I know I can help. All initial conversations are free and confidential.

1. Be clear on the position of leadership you want, and the responsibilities you are willing to undertake. Try the Blank piece of paper exercise. The way I do it when I am training leaders, is to work on their “story” – How did they get to where they are? Where are they going, and WHY? Your why is essential in being a leader of change, the change you want to see. That’s what organisations are looking for.

2. Create your brand – Know what you stand for, your values and your ethics. Be able to clearly state your competences, your knowledge and your experience, and especially what you can bring to the table. Within that brand, please don’t forget to bring into it your high energy levels. Without passion, persistence and consistency in delivery, something you achieve through your high energy levels, you will not be able to maintain being a great leader.

3. Demonstrate how you can solve the problem of the organisation you are approaching: How can you be inclusive in problem solving to produce an outcome which respects, and values, all parties around the table?

4. Communicate your vision and rally others around by inspiring them with your words and actions. Share how you have used and understand the importance of active listening and how you can navigate difficult conversations with ease. If you want to be a leader, work on refining your communication and presentation skills, so that no concerns are left unaddressed.

5. Control your emotions. So, I said earlier that I am not going to apologize for my emotions, but that doesn’t mean I don’t tame them! I am extremely passionate about the things I believe in, highly enthusiastic and energetic when I speak. This has brought me success as an international speaker, but for interviews and client meetings, I have learned to tone it down in order to communicate effectively. The benefit has been that I have been able to connect, understand and empathize with the emotions of others. Those with high emotional intelligence can navigate through challenging situations with grace and composure. To be a leader, it is worth investing in your emotional intelligence.

6. Demonstrate your ability to think strategically in order to make decisions that will benefit both yourself, the organisation and those you will lead. You must also be able to develop short term and long-term plans and see the big picture. This means taking some of the achievements you have already made in your life and turning them into examples of what has worked, and equally, what did not work. Being a leader, is about continually honing your strategic thinking skills.

If you need help – please login in and connect.

Call to Action – YOU included!

If we can make you a leader, together we can be the change we all want to see.

Despite all the challenges, there are many opportunities for women to succeed in leadership roles. With more women in leadership positions, we can begin to change the face of what a leader looks like and create a more equal and just world.

So, I am asking you to please step up. Apply for a position of responsibility, decision-making or leadership. We need you in government, in businesses, in non-profits, in education, in the community… everywhere! Only then will we begin to see the real changes we need in order to create a truly just and equitable world.

I give my word that I am here to help those who need it.

Let's start now by recognizing the vital importance of having strong female leaders who are capable of inspiring others and influencing what our world looks like today - because what the world needs most now is more female leaders.

Our website and blog will keep you updated and informed with relevant guidance to support your development.

We will also provide you with templates, e-books and downloadables that we have created to add momentum to your quest – Meaning: You will achieve your ambitions faster, overcome any challenges, and be ready to grasp new opportunities as they appear before you.

Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank

Author Madi No Excuses!

Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist

Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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