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From Success Mentor to Success Modelling

So in the last blog I talked about getting a success mentor – now I want to talk about success modelling …..and I am not talking cat walks!

No, we are not talking catwalks, we are discussing the benefits of modelling successful people to attain the success we deserve.

Let’s explore why modelling successful people is so powerful and how you can start incorporating this approach into your personal and professional success development today.

"Your past does not equal your future." – Tony Robbins

How to Achieve the Success You Deserve: Clues from the World's Most Successful

As we discussed in the last blog, Get Yourself A Mentor, mentoring is an invaluable tool as a key to success, but what if I told you that may not be not enough?

While having a mentor can provide valuable guidance and support, there is another approach that may be even more effective: modelling successful people.

By observing and learning from those who have already achieved great things in their lives, you can gain insights into what it takes to succeed and apply these lessons to your own journey.

Look, put simply, we all learn from others. As children we learned to talk, eat, and walk talk by watching our parents and copying them. In the same way, if you want to grow a successful business, you’ve got to learn from people who have already done it.

Successful people leave clues. You can learn from these clues by following your role models, or the people you deem successful in the subject you want to achieve success in.

“If you want to achieve success, all you need to do is find a way to model those who have already succeeded.” – Tony Robbins

Modelling successful people is one of the quickest and easiest ways to grow, and it’s so easy these days thanks to social media and the internet. You can literally research anybody, and learn how they achieved their success because most are happy to talk about it.

It means that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, you can learn from others, follow what they did, and still do it your way! You can actually save yourself years of errors and research.

For me, I am modelling Entrepreneurs who I admire, who have the same values as me. I follow them on social media, read their books, attend their training courses, (especially the free ones!) and learn from them without actually meeting them. I am almost stalking them looking for all the golden nuggets they keep dropping which help me to be successful and attain the goals I have set for myself.

What is most important is to find the clues, the golden nuggets, that they leave for me: What has worked for them? What mistakes have they made and how did they correct them? How have they dealt with failure? What do they do with their money and their choices? And how did they achieve their success? And why do they keep aspiring to do more?

You and I can both take those clues and implement them in our own lives and in our businesses or projects.

What is Modelling and How Does it Differ from Mentoring?

Modelling is a process of observing and imitating the behaviours of successful people in order to achieve similar results. It is different from mentoring in that it is a more passive form of learning and does not involve a personal relationship between the role model and the follower or learner.

Modelling can be an effective way to learn new skills and behaviours, but it is important to choose a good role model who has the desired qualities, values and characteristics that you wish to emulate.

This can be an effective way to learn new skills, but it is important to remember that you will not be getting the same individualized attention as you would from a mentor.

Ultimately, modelling and mentoring are both powerful ways to learn and grow. Which one is best for you will depend on your individual needs and goals. I use both in various aspects of my life.

Benefits of Modelling Successful People: Insights From Top Achievers

There is a saying: “You’ll only be as successful as the five people you spend the most time with?”

So, whether virtually or actually, surround yourself with 5 people you aspire to be, and learn from them.

In our increasingly competitive world, it's more important than ever to have a role model to look up to, who inspires you because of their story. And there are also many benefits to modelling successful people.

When you model someone who is successful, you learn how they think and what they do on a daily basis. You see first-hand how they handle difficult situations and how they stay motivated throughout the ups and downs of life. This allows you to develop your own strategies for success based on proven methods.

Modelling successful people also helps you to develop a positive mindset. When you see someone achieving their goals, it inspires you to believe that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. This can be especially helpful when you're facing challenges in your own life.

Finally, modelling successful people gives you access to their network. Whether or not you are fortunate to personally know your role model, or whether virtually, they have networks who you can also connect with.

When you meet successful people and spend time with them, you'll inevitably meet other like-minded individuals who can help you in your journey to success. And if you are following them on social media, then just follow who they are following -it’s actually amazing how many of them follow you back or connect with you if you ask them a question.

The Mindset of Success: How Positive Thinking Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

We all have role models in our lives. Some of us are lucky enough to have had great teachers, coaches, or mentors who showed us the way and inspired us to be our best selves. Alternatively, we have found our own role models, looking to successful people in our field or in other fields for inspiration.

But how can we identify the most relevant successful role models for us now?

A role model is someone whose behaviour, example, or success we admire and attempt to emulate based on their accomplishments or the way they carry themselves.

You want role models with the mindset of success, those who have achieved and keep achieving. Their positive thinking is what will drive you to achieve the success you deserve; however, you define it.

When it comes to finding successful people to serve as your role models, you can start by looking at the people around you: Family, friends, co-workers, and neighbours can all be sources of inspiration if you pay attention to the qualities that make them successful.

You can also look to public figures – both those who are famous and those who are respected in their field but may not be household names.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to finding potential role models. The important thing is that you take the time to identify the people whose success you want to emulate. Once you have done that, you can learn from their example and use their achievements as motivation to reach your own goals.

Either way, I suggest you don’t pick more than 5 people to model, because otherwise it becomes too many and you become confused trying to be them all or learn from all of them. Plus you don’t need any more excuses for being distracted by social media!

Leadership Lessons from Successful People: Strategies for Leading with Impact

By modelling people, you are able to condense their 20 years of experience and journey into 2-3 years of your dedication to learning from them.

You only need 2-3 people to learn from, even to follow on social media or to read their books. I have to say, attending their training courses, even if online gives you an additional insight to their teachings, experiences and networks – How did they get to be successful? What are their core values? How do they plan their day? How do they act? How do they behave? What is their belief system?

As I have mentioned in other blogs, I have had 5 mentors for my business; one for each different aspects of my business. I attribute my success to them. You can read more about them in my book Madi No Excuses!

Today, I am followed by many people who have been to my seminars or speeches or who I am mentoring or guiding. However, I am still following and learning from those who inspire me, who I can model, and actually it’s a different group of people who are empowering me now –

Let me give you one example so you can understand:

“The most successful people in the world are not afraid of TAKING action, they are more afraid of NOT taking action” – Nick Santonastasso.

I am following Nick Santonastasso on social media and within his community group.

Nick was born with no legs and only one arm and NOTHING has stopped him achieving success.

Nick is a wrestler, who turned bodybuilder, and now a coach and international speaker – not to mention extremely wealthy.

If you are not following Nick on social media please do, because you have NO EXCUSES for not living your life to the max once you know Nick.

I am not in shape. I have used all the excuse about how I can’t jog, and I have no time to do work outs, even though I know it helps me create the positive peak state I need to be in to succeed further. Yes, I do yoga and that’s brilliant for keeping my body supple, but I am not burning my fat – and yes there’s fat because I sit creating blogs and social media posts to inspire you all, and I love my food.

However, after I watched Nick give a speech on not only what he had done as a severely disabled person, but what many of us as full abled bodied individuals should be doing, I flipped my mindset.

Now I get off my fat backside and go out for a high energy walk with intermittent jogging every morning, and when I want to stop, Nick pops into my head and goes “Don’t you dare stop Madi”.

Nick is a testimonial to the saying that everything that is possible if you put your mind to it. He is an amazing inspiration for every person who complains and is lazy! And he has a wicked sense of humour.

– Nick is everyone’s kick up the backside!

I am also following Tony Robbins - Because I love how he gives – He gives his intelligence, his wisdom, his research, his mindset and his wealth in order to empower others. If you are not following him, I suggest you do because he is THE MENTOR to some of the most successful people on the planet and willing shares his gifts and clues with those who want to breakthrough to achieve the success, they set for themselves.

Your mentors don’t have to be with you in person, they can be in your head supporting, pushing or guiding you through the difficult moments of your journey.

Strategies to Model Successful People

The Power of Persistence: Lessons from Famous Achievers Who Never Gave Up

You can easily identify successful people, even if they are at the start of their journey, because they are the ones with hunger in their eyes, not excuses on their tongues.

Its logical, that for you to achieve success in your life, you could speed up the process by modelling successful people - those who have been on the same journey as you, but before you. It means you will learn from their successes and apply those lessons to your own life.

There are a few key strategies you can use to do this:

1. Find someone who is already successful in the area you want to be successful in and study them closely.

What did they do to get where they are? - What are you doing that’s different?

What do they do on a daily basis? – What do you do on a daily basis in comparison?

What mindset do they have? – What mindset do you have?

When you understand what makes them tick, you can start implementing those same habits and strategies into your own life.

2. Don’t just focus on the big picture – pay attention to the details as well. It’s easy to see someone’s overall success and think that it’s unattainable for you but remember that everyone starts somewhere. By focusing on the smaller steps and daily actions that successful people take, you can start moving in the right direction yourself. – Remember to look for the clues they are leaving especially for you.

3. Be willing to put in the work. People often give up too soon because they don’t see results immediately. But modelling successful people means being patient and persistent even when things get tough. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day – success takes time, effort, and dedication.

"Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions." – Tony Robbins

Examples of Success Stories Through Modelling

From Rags to Riches: The Inspiring Journey of Successes who Used Modelling.

When it comes to finding success, there are a lot of things that you can do.

· You can do it your way, without interventions from others.

· You can take the advice of family, friends or people around you who want to help

· You can find a mentor and follow their advice.

· You can get a coach and follow their guidance to keep you on track.

· You can take risks and hope for the best.

· You can model successful people.

Modelling successful people has a lot of benefits. For one, you get to learn from someone else’s successes and failures. You also get to see first-hand how they think and operate. This allows you to replicate their success in your own life.

There are many examples of people who have found success by modelling others. One example is Steve Jobs. He was known for modelling himself after successful people like Edison and Picasso. He even took inspiration from their work ethic and lifestyle choices. As a result, he was able to create some of the most iconic products of our time.

Another example is Oprah Winfrey. She started out as a local news anchor before becoming one of the most successful talk show hosts in history. She attributes her success to modelling herself after Maya Angelou, who she saw as a role model growing up. Oprah followed her lead by becoming an advocate for social change and using her platform to empower others.

These are just two examples of the many stories of success through modelling.

If you want to achieve greatness in your own life, don’t be afraid to study those who have come before you and follow in their footsteps!

The takeaway is clear: if you want to be successful, modelling the behaviour of those who have achieved success can be more beneficial than just mentoring. Modelling allows you to observe and internalize the strategies that others have used in order to reach their goals and apply them to your own lives. By taking this approach, you can gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed and improve your chances of reaching your own objectives.

So why not take advantage of this powerful tool today?

I am not a certified coach, but I am an experienced leader who has been working on personal development and communication for several decades. I don’t bite, and I don’t charge unless I know I can help. All initial conversations are free and confidential.

Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank Author Madi No Excuses! Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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