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Goal Setting Theory – The Key Action You Are Missing

Don't Keep Your Goals a Secret: Share Them with the Universe

Goal setting theory, the framework which focusses our being on reaching our goals by sharing them with the Universe to achieve the success we deserve. Read on to learn why it is so effective!

Having read the last two blogs, you now know how I achieved my Madinaut Milestones: my initial goals in life, a book, to be on Broadway, and my Jaguar car.

Easy when you know how – Isn’t it?

So, now its your turn to materialise your ambitions with a few extra tools, and then, the ultimate action of asking the Universe to help you.

Setting SMART Goals: Achieving the Unachievable

To round off on goal setting and achieving your milestones, I would like you to also consider being SMART.

Being SMART is about how your mindset will relate to your goals and milestones.

By breaking down your goal into smaller, more manageable pieces, you can better focus on them, guaranteeing your chances of success.

The SMART acronym stands for the following: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timebound.

If you are setting your goals and making the challenge too easy, then you will have very little to reach for, and milestones are something that you have to reach for, not something that you can just touch with a little stretch.

Specific – Be specific.

What exactly is it that you want to achieve?

We have discussed this when I gave you my example of wanting to be on Broadway

Measurable - Once you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish, you can begin the process to achieve it.

But how will you measure your progress?

And how much further do you have to go to achieve your success?

How will you measure it?

How will you know if you've succeeded?

What is the point that you say, “I have achieved my Madinaut Milestone, and now I can move on to the next Milestone?

Attainable - Making sure your goal is attainable is critical. It's important to set a goal that is challenging but also realistic. If your goal is too difficult, you may become discouraged; if it's too easy, you may not push yourself hard enough.

How easy, or how difficult, will it be for you to achieve your goals?

Relevant - Your goal should be relevant to your larger objectives, your Absolute Commitment, the ONE overarching mission you want to achieve in your life – Your legacy.

So, why is this particular Madinaut Milestone you have set yourself important?

What will it help you achieve?

How does it support your ultimate mission in life?

Time-bound - All your goals should have an individual timeline for completion.

When do you want to achieve this Madinaut Milestone?

Giving yourself a deadline will help keep you on track and motivated. However, please consider if the timeframe is too short, you will put yourself under tremendous pressure to achieve it, and if it is too far in the future then you may completely forget about it.

Set yourself a timeline that challenges you and gives you something to work towards and I guarantee will achieve it faster than expected.

How to Create a Goal-Setting Routine

As an Entrepreneur and Changemaker, you know that setting and achieving goals is essential to your success.

Creating a goal-setting routine can help you consistently hit your targets and achieve big things. It’s actually about being continually focused.

So, how do I do it?

My suggestion is for you to follow these simple steps, and as the weekend is an ideal time to do this, why not start this weekend?

1.Set aside time each week to reflect on your progress and set new goals. This reflection time doesn't need to be hours long; even just 15-20 minutes can be enough. During this reflection time, ask yourself questions like: What did I accomplish this week? What could I have done better? What do I want to achieve next week?

2. Write down your goals for the week ahead. Once you've identified your goals, it's important to write them down. This makes them more concrete and real, and it also allows you to track your progress over time. You can use a simple notebook or any of the multiple apps available. – I love my paper and pencil!

3. Make sure your goals remain SMART: I say this because nothing we do is set in concrete, as I keep saying, “its work in progress”, and each of us have lives which have a habit of throwing us a curve ball every time we have something specific we want to do! So, adjust your goals as needed. As you move through life, your priorities will change and so too should your goals. Don't be afraid to adjust your goals as needed so that they remain relevant and achievable.

4. Share your goals with someone else. Telling someone else about your milestones, that you have set them, and again when you have achieved them, makes it more likely that you'll actually follow through on it. And please, celebrate each accomplishment, no matter how small. Achieving even a small goal is worth celebrating because it means you're one step closer to achieving your larger goal, the success you deserve, however you have defined it.

Make goal setting a habit within your weekly routine.

The Benefits of Goal Setting for Mental and Physical Health

I wanted to add this section because mental well-being is really important to me, and we often fail to see the benefits to ourselves of some of the things we are doing for ourselves.

Setting goals is a critical part of any successful individual's journey. By having something to focus on and work towards, we are able to stay motivated and committed to the process. This is especially true for Entrepreneurs, Changemakers and leaders who often have to juggle many different tasks and responsibilities.

Not only does goal setting provide us with a sense of purpose, but it can also have a positive impact on our mental and physical health. Studies have shown that those who set and achieve goals tend to be happier and more fulfilled than those who do not. For starters, it can help reduce stress levels and improve mental well-being. It can also help increase self-confidence and self-esteem. Furthermore, those who practice goal setting tend to enjoy better physical health due to the increased sense of purpose and motivation.

It works for me, and I hope if you try it, it will work for you too!

An Essential Step to Success: Declare Your Goals to the Universe

So, it’s time to go back to the Blank Piece of Paper, you should be able to write your Absolute Commitment and three to five Madinaut Milestones.

But please don’t forget - It is ALWAYS a ‘Work In Progress’, so it is adjustable.

There is now just one more thing that MUST be done in order for this to succeed.

This is the bit 99% of people do not do, may not even start to do, or do not continue to do.

You MUST read out LOUD EVERY MORNING AND EVERY NIGHT what you have written on your paper, your Absolute Commitment and your Madinaut Milestones.


I know if will feel uncomfortable, but I did tell you there were occasions when you have to step outside that comfort zone. Persist and it will be as natural as breathing because you will see the results faster than you ever imagined.

I will continually test your dedication towards being a Madinaut and to the process that I am putting you through because I know it works and there is method in my madness, but only you can be the one to take action. It has to come from inside you!

As you know, I am not a scientist, biologist or any other kind of academic, but this is another Madinaut explanation of how it works.

I ask you to read it out every morning and every night because when your ears hear your voice, they send a vibration into the body which is transferred as an impulse to the brain.

Furthermore, the Universe then also hears your requests...

“When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Paulo Coelho

That impulse gives a ‘want, want, want’ stimulus.

Example: Have you ever watched a child with its mother when it sees a toy? Child sees toy, visual impulse to the brain, ‘want, want, want’, child pesters mum until she gives in!

The brain then sends a message to your subconscious... yes, it does exist! And your subconscious starts looking for clues. We know there is a subconscious although it is difficult to prove and there is no room for evaluating it here. But actually, if you pay attention to your subconscious, you can actually train yourself to know when there is an opportunity in front of you or even to call opportunities towards you.

Before I get burnt at the stake, I will stop this conversation. It’s a generalisation but women are better at intuition and subconscious insight than men but what is important, whether you are male or female, please, do not ignore it when you ‘have a gut feeling’ – that’s strange sensation in your stomach that tells you your internal antenna is receiving a message! A message of opportunity.

Once your brain identifies the clues it sends a message up to the brain to stimulate ‘activity’ and puts your hands and feet into action. (Rarely your mouth!!)

BUT 90% of people FTI – Fail To Implement – that means that even though they know there is a specific clue for them, an exact activity that they should do to achieve their ambition, they just do not do it. You know as well as I do, how many times this happens.

Now that you have your Madinaut Milestones and Absolute Commitment, are you going to continue to let it happen? That is the big question!

It is therefore essential, that if we are going to make this happen, a big part of the process is reading out aloud what is on your paper - your Absolute Commitment and your Madi Milestones, every morning and every night.

My apologies for some of the repetition, but it is to stress the points that I think are necessary to endorse the concept and process through which we can achieve the success we are setting for ourselves. I want you to achieve everything you have set for yourself and much more!

If you are still struggling to write something but believe in the process I am taking you through, then stay with me and your Absolute Commitment may start to materialise as we work through the 7Fs.

If you have written something down, then now is the time to solidify it and start the process of implementation and action.

I would also ask you to read some books which endorse my reasoning. As I said in the last blog, the one book I refer to all my mentees at this point is ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. The book is about successful businessmen and how they created their wealth.

However, whilst wealth has many definitions, the route and the process which all the successful leaders profiled in the book have used, was exactly the same as the process I am describing to you.

Here are other books you may also want to consider:

My Top 10 Personal Motivation Books which endorse goal setting

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§ My all-time favourite is Napoleon Hill – Think And Grow Rich : available in almost all languages in the world, Think and Grow Rich has been called the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature."

§ Robert T. Kiyosaki’s - Rich Dad Poor Dad: is a must to understand how to get the most out of money - What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

§ Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist: How treasures found on a journey teach us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the signs along life’s path, and, above all, following our dreams.

§ Eckhart Tolle – The Power of Now : How to live in the present moment.

§ Dale Carnegie – How to Win Friends and Influence People: Carnegie believed that most successes come from an ability to communicate effectively versus brilliant insights.

§ James Redfield – The Celestine Prophecy: This book can help you understand why you are where you are in life and align you with a new optimism for your future.

§ Deepak Chopra – The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: Chopra’s teachings are summed up in 7 simple principles which can be applied to all areas of your personal life to create success.

§ Norman Vincent Peale – The Power of Positive Thinking: This book proves that an attitude can change lives, win success in all things, and overcome obstacles.

§ Stephen R. Covey – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Covey reveals a pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity–principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

§ Spencer Johnson – Who Moved My Cheese: An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life

How to Get the Universe to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Telling the Universe what you want, by reading what you have written on your blank paper out loud every morning and night, is a powerful exercise in confirming that not only do you believe you can achieve the gaols you have written, but that you are calling on the Universe to support you in achieving them.

This simple exercise will help to keep your mind clear and focused on your goals, because you are also visualising your success in order to achieve it.

By reading the blank paper out loud, you are affirming your commitment to your goals and vision for success. Remember, Entrepreneurs are passionate, disciplined and committed individuals who never give up easily.

So, if you want to join their ranks, make sure you start, and end each day with a strong dose of positivity and determination!

I believe in YOU, and I believe, like me, you are part of the 1%.

99% of people refuse to tell the Universe what it is they desire.

Is it therefore any wonder that so many never achieve their dreams, goals and ambitions?

Start today: Every morning and every night tell the Universe about the success you deserve. Commit to working towards achieving the goals you have defined.

Continue to tell the Universe every night and every morning and watch to see how your journey towards the success you deserve begins.

I am not a certified coach, but I am an experienced leader who has been working on personal development and communication for several decades. I don’t bite, and I don’t charge unless I know I can help. All initial conversations are free and confidential.

Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank Author Madi No Excuses! Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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