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Life is a Blank Piece of Paper

What no one ever teaches you...

“Your life is a blank piece of paper and whatever you put on it, can and will come true!”

(updated 04/01/23)

Believe and Achieve

Frightening, isn’t it? You can write a sentence on a piece of paper, and it can come true!

Of course, you must believe that it will come true.

So, if you have already said, “It’s impossible!”, then this may not be the right blog for you!

For those of you who have stayed …This is where your journey starts.

Your Journey Starts Here

I am going to be totally honest with you, nothing that I am doing in these blogs has been planned. I am starting from zero, and with each step that I am taking, I am sharing with you so that you too can start your journey to the future you want.

However, I do know that this methodology works because not only have I built my earlier successes on it, I have also shared it with many who have achieved their ambitions: In fact, I have shared it with over 35,000 people who have turned their ideas into action.

Yes, I have had my failures and my successes, my learnings and my experiences, but now I am beginning a totally new venture. I am stepping out of my comfort zone (and out of my planned retirement to start something new – Blogging with the goal of Paying It Forward.

So, as you now know from my first post; with menopause destabilising my hormones, Covid and the looming recession making my clients unsettled, and thinking of retiring early to grow my own vegetable and be self-sustaining; I was ready to walk away from social media and public life and live quietly in the last decades of my life.

But I couldn’t do it – and for ONE reason only – I have an Absolute Commitment to turn 7 billion ideas into action – including YOURS!

I have already achieved 35,000+, but that is nowhere near my 7 billion, so I must continue my work. I picked up my book, Madi No Excuses! and started the process as I teach everyone else.

You know, the great thing about teaching and mentoring others is that you can hear great advice coming out of your mouth to help others, but you don't practice it yourself!

So, we start with a blank piece of paper.

How does the ‘Blank Piece of Paper’ work?

Opportunities are presented to all of us - The Universe is not selective as to who these ‘nuggets of gold’ are presented to. The opportunities you receive are dependent on how Focused you are on the goals you want to achieve.

As an example: Some people see trash whereas others see the treasure, some people see solid rock where others see diamonds, some people see twinkling stars in the sky where others see new life.

What do you see now?

And what is it that you want to see in the future?

Try doing the ‘This Is Me’ download before doing the Blank Paper exercise.

Are opportunities, and challenges, just a matter of perception?

Or is it something deeper?

My theory, (unproven), is that there is no such thing as coincidence and that we select the opportunities that come before us only when we see their relevance to us, and to the things we want to achieve.

In other words, I am convinced that you are reading this blog now because the time is right for you to be reviewing your opportunities and your future journey.

If you need a helping hand ….

When we know what we want then we will fight for it, work for it, sacrifice everything to achieve the goal that we want. Those who are committed, excel and succeed. Those who are less committed succeed but over a longer period of time and with less success. Those who are not committed at all often look at others in envy.

How committed are you?

Not to deceive you, but if you want true success, however YOU define it, it will take blood, sweat and tears! (Lots of tears, I have the rolls of tissue to prove it!)

When you know what you want, you will not let an opportunity pass you by.

So, if you need a helping hand ….

Know What You Want

So, the next question is: What is it that YOU want to achieve?

Until YOU know this, you will continue to let opportunities slip through your fingers!

YOU – yes, YOU. This is not about anyone else, just YOU.

I did it for ME, now you have to do it for YOU!

You cannot do this exercise for anyone else, with anyone else in mind or even to please anyone else.

I cannot do this exercise for you.

It's 100% about YOU.

The 30 Second Rule

There is a guideline I use – ‘If it takes you more than 30 seconds to make a decision you don’t know your own mind.’

30 seconds, not long!

Do you want a coffee? Yes or no?

What colour do you want that outfit in?

Even what are you going to do today?

These are relatively simple questions which you usually know the answer to and can respond to in less than 30 seconds because you know what it is you want.

– You are Focused on giving an answer which delivers what you want

Ready to try it with your life?

Downloaded your blank piece of paper or have a blank sheet in front of you?

Blank Piece of Paper... The Challenge

Now, let me drop you in at the deep end.

Please write on the top of your piece of paper what it is you want to do in your life.

30 seconds... GO!

(If you need longer to write it down, then take the time. But no extra thinking time beyond 30 seconds!)

Done it?

I have done this exercise with thousands of people and after the first 30 seconds I look at their faces and they are blank, in fact, in most cases they show fear.

So, I will give you 30 seconds more as you may not be sure what I mean.

I mean that I would like you to write on the blank page the ONE thing you would like to achieve in your life. You do not need to worry about the money to do this, you do not need to worry about any qualifications associated with it, and most importantly you do not need anyone’s permission or approval to do it.

What will you write?

Off you go... 30 seconds!

*30 seconds

*20 seconds

*10 seconds


Any joy?

Some of my classes tell me they have lots of things they want to do, so I give them one last chance by explaining it like this:

The Genie In The Bottle

Imagine I am the Genie in the bottle. I have appeared in front of you and granted you just ONE wish (I am a mean and busy Genie) –

What is the ONE thing you have wanted to succeed in and always wanted to achieve? You can choose anything, but you must be prepared to work for it.

You must be committed to achieving it. How committed would you be?

If you can agree to that then I will guarantee it will happen!

Are you committed to making it work now?

I guarantee it will happen!

Please tell me that wish now by writing it on the Blank Piece of Paper.

Oh, I forgot to say that you cannot ask for more wishes. I hope you have not asked to win the lottery (money does not make you happy, what you do with it is what brings the joy).

And, as you are hopefully not the only one reading this blog, I have more than your wish to grant so you need to think quickly!

What is your ONE wish?

*30 seconds *20 seconds *10 seconds *Stop!

Need help?

The Reality

Did you write something? Is your page still blank?

Let me tell you, 95 percent of people cannot do this exercise, so you are not alone. If you have written something, then you are part of the Focused 5 percent!

The purpose of this exercise is to highlight that most of us do not know what we really want, and hence when the time comes to seize an opportunity, very often we let it pass because we did not even realise that we wanted it.

This blog, and the processes we are going through together, is to ensure that you can grab as many opportunities as possible to help you achieve your goals... Once you know what they are.

Fridays' blogs are about giving you time to think over the weekend and across the week, so I was not expecting an answer in 30 seconds, although that is the point I am trying to get you to.

It could be that you did not write anything down because you are not prepared to work at it.

Well then this is not the blog for you, because even with all the luck in the world, success is about going out and working for it and not sitting back and waiting for it to come to you – Excuse my directness.

There will be a few people who wrote down something. And if you are one of those few then you are already on your way to achieving your ambition and we hope to speed up the process!

Many more of you will have said, “I have lots of things I am focusing on and committed to achieving, and I cannot pick just one...” Again, you are not alone as that is the feedback I get most, and I will cover this in the next blog, with a fun exercise for you to try and some more work for you to do, to narrow down your desires to just ONE ultimate goal.

If you already know what’s on your blank paper and need help moving forward, please join our Madinaut Community and we will support you.

I did the blank piece of paper exercise, and of course, my "7 Billion Ideas to Action was on the top of the sheet. It meant I couldn’t give up; it’s my ‘raison d’etre’ (reason to be), why I have been put on this earth, my legacy.

This blog has now become an underpinning Foundation of my Absolute Commitment – the bit where I say 7 Billion Ideas to Action – including YOURS!

Over time I will explain why certain words begin with capitals in the middle of sentences, or where there are unknown concepts. We just need to take it one step at a time.

The Blank Piece of Paper Group Discussion

(Free to join)

As my team and I have been doing the blank piece of paper exercise for many years, we realise that it is not easy to do and that people like to discuss how to best do the exercise and understand what is required to have the clarity to move forward.

Therefore, if you are interested in joining a group discussion about the “blank piece of paper” please

and let me know in an email that you are interested in joining a FREE group discussion.

We will then set some dates and times to have a Blank Piece of Paper Online Meeting which you will be invited to join.

In the meantime, our website and blog will keep you updated and informed with relevant guidance to support your continued development.

We will also provide you with templates, e-books and downloadables that we have created to add momentum to your quest – Meaning: You will achieve your ambitions faster, overcome any challenges, and be ready to grasp new opportunities as they appear before you.

Many of the exercises I am sharing come from my book:Madi No Excuses. The objective of the book is to turn 7 Billion Ideas to Action - Including YOURS!

If you would like to order your copy on Kindle or paperback, please use this link Madi No Excuses!

Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank

Author Madi No Excuses!

Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist

Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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