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SURVIVE and THRIVE - Crazy Opportunities for 2023

Unlock The Potential of 2023: Listen. Learn. Share. Act!

2023 Survive and thrive: a year of unprecedented opportunities – Are YOU crazy enough to grab them and achieve the success you deserve?

2023 is just around the corner – So, let’s cover:

· Crazy opportunities for 2023 you MUST consider

· The UNIQUE factor that will bring YOU success in 2023

· 2023: The Year of Unprecedented Opportunity

· Making the most of the crazy opportunities

· Start preparing now: The future is YOURS

· How to capitalize on the unusual opportunities coming in 2023

· Turning challenges into opportunities

· The benefits of acting on your opportunities

· Getting ready for unbelievable opportunities

Crazy opportunities for 2023 you MUST consider

So, people say I am crazy, wanting to turn 7 Billion Ideas into action, including YOURS!

So, people say I am crazy, wanting to turn 7 Billion Ideas into action, including YOURS!

Yes, I am ambitious,

Yes, my goals to most people will appear unachievable

But I am committed to succeeding – and I won’t let the opinions of others stop me.

…Nor will I let the opportunities pass me by.

Now you understand why I started the lesson on Fantasizing before the end of the year.

So, tell me, why do people call you crazy?

And what is the big goal you are going to achieve?

Understand ONE point:

There is no single crazy opportunity waiting for you…. there are millions of opportunities.

I am not going to single them out for you, YOU have to go out and get them.

The Unique Factor that will bring YOU success in 2023

Sometimes we are just blind to what we see in the mirror.

Sometimes we are just waiting for opportunities to be handed to us on a plate

Sometimes we are wishing for the ONE big thing which will bring us success.

Look again in the mirror

What do you see?

The Unique Factor that will bring YOU success in 2023

There is your answer

YOU are the unique factor that can deliver the success you deserve; in the way you define it. You have to believe in yourself!!

As I am currently in the process of learning, setting up something new, I have been amazed at all the videos and courses telling people how they can get rich quick, turn over 6 figures without any business experience, or earn millions while you sleep! If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is – so beware where you spend your hard-earned money.

I am not offering you any of those solutions – I am here to help you SURVIVE!

These blogs are to guide you through a process, which means you can not only survive, but you can thrive and achieve the success you want; however you have defined it.

2023: The Year of Unprecedented Opportunity

Making the Most of the Crazy Opportunities

It’s a sad fact, but global governments are struggling with challenging times. So that means that the news and media is all doom and gloom. But times of crisis are also times of opportunities! Even I am starting something new right now. So, we are in this together!

You will hear discussions of inflation and recession, of choices between heat or eat, of wars and conflicts, of corruption and political scandals. It’s going to last several years, so be prepared for the roller coaster ride!

All this turmoil is something you are unlikely to be able to influence.

But YOU CAN influence and achieve the life you want if you are Focused and avoid distractions.

It is a choice – As I have said before – To do or not to do!

WHAT STOPPED YOU ACHIEVING SUCCESS IN 2022 The 7 #Enemies of #Entrepreneurs & #Changemakers o #Distractions o #Excuses o #Doubt o #Fear o #Procrastination o #Perfectionism, and o #Negativity httpswww.westtworld.compo.png

Start Preparing Now: The Future is YOURS

There's no denying that recessions are tough times for many people and businesses. But for those who are not distracted from their goals and ambitions, they find that unique opportunities arise because whilst others are distracted with negativity, they remain positive, optimistic and open-minded.

How would you define your reactions to current societal challenges?

As an Entrepreneur you should always be looking for ways to make a difference and create something new. When everyone else is panicking, you have the chance to step up and show what you are really made of.

Don’t misunderstand me, I know people will be worried about losing jobs, homes, and being unable to feed their families. I have been there, and I know that if you do not concentrate on identifying solutions, and actioning them, then life can become even more daunting.

You must be motivated by the challenge in front of you, and by the chance to show what they can do in the face of adversity.

Believe me, challenging times often come before success. The mentors who have supported me, and the role models I have been inspired by, all faced disappointments and barriers before they overcame them to become the success they are today.

So, next time someone says, “You are Crazy” for believing you can achieve your goals, I don’t want you to listen to them, I want you to prove them wrong by doing exactly what they have told you cannot do.

How to Capitalize on the Unusual Opportunities Coming in 2023

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Be the exception

So many of us are influenced by the views of others that we stop trying to succeed in the things we really want to do.

Is this you?

Who are the people in your life that are always telling you “it’s not possible” or “you can’t do that because …”?

Being an Entrepreneur, a Changemaker, is about not fitting into the box – You are the exception to the rule because you don’t want to follow everyone else, you want to choose your own path, with the destination of your choice!

I love the people who are the round pegs in square holes - the misfits! Usually, they are not those who achieved the highest results in school but the ones challenging the system.

Do not be deterred if you didn’t get top marks in school, just understand that everyone is an A grade student at something – and that something is the ONE thing that you want to do that is on the top of your Blank Piece of Paper.

Whilst I was a very good girl in school, even holding the position of Head Girl, I stopped my education after High School because I didn’t want to study, I wanted to be an Entrepreneur, turning my ideas into action and proving that I could do it. My parents were horrified, but having made my choice, I have had to succeed on my own path. Admittedly, it has not been easy, but I have valued from every moment of my journey, good times and difficult times.

And I know I am not the only one, which is why I set up AcadAMadi.

I wanted to set up my own Academy, but as we are not allowed to use the word without complicated assessment and registration. So, we thought outside the box and started our own concept. ‘ACADAMADI’ is your faculty at the ‘University of Life”- A course where you are inspired to aspire and achieve your goals - A qualification where you receive an A+ Grade because you identify your real potential and talents.

How do we do it? We do it through our unique training and phenomenon known as the MadiEffect.

The MadiEffect represents the motivation and passion in people’s lives, and this is why we want to engage with you through these blogs because we know you have amazing talents and can achieve the success you deserve.

We know it is those people who do not fit in the box, people like YOU, who are our “genius”. You will solve a challenge, find a solution that will not only deliver your success, but will bring positive change for many others.

While your head is down and you are working away on your project, others may be having fun, but all your sacrifices will be worth it.

Trust me: If you are crazy enough to think you can change the world, then if you act on your intuition and your ideas, you will definitely succeed.

The biggest regret you can ever have in life is that you never tried!

The biggest regret you can ever have in life is that you never tried! Madi

The Benefits of Acting on Your Opportunities

So, as you prepare for a New Year, a new start, take the time to do your vision board, your New Horizon Map, and then start to put in place some of the key Foundations.


See what others are doing similar to what you want to do.

What mistakes are they making?

How can you improve on what they are doing?

If you were doing what they are doing, how would you do it differently?

How many people have you found doing what you want to do? – Examine them all!


Listen to what people are telling you about your idea. Whether it is positive motivation, or negative critic do not react but take note of what is being told to you, so that you keep building the feedback, and keep adapting your idea. Its free market research!

Listen to those who have done what you want to do. Find the podcasts, the interviews, the social media sites and listen to their words and especially the challenges that they have faced. This way, you will know what to expect and can be better prepared for your journey.


You should never stop learning. I learnt the other day that if you study something for 18 mins a day for a whole year you can become an expert on a subject.

I have no idea if this is true, but what I do know is that most people do not even attempt to give 18 mins a day to learning of any kind.

We are in the age of the internet, so that means all the information you need to achieve your goals, turn your idea into action, and succeed, is available in cyberspace, waiting to be accessed.

So, what are you waiting for?

Any why are you using excuses for not starting? – Not because you don’t know how, I hope!

I will be completely honest with you. I started the Paying It Forward and Madinaut journey in October this year (2022). I didn’t know how to blog. I didn’t know how to build a community or even connect my social media; my team used to do it all for me. But as I started this journey, I went back to the philosophy of my first business, starting everything from the beginning and understanding how to do everything myself. I have learned sooooo much, I am really proud of myself.

It really has become a Madi No Excuses! moment!

It doesn’t mean I don’t ask my team how to do something, but now instead of asking them to do it, I do it. And I am learning so much that I am sharing it with them….and very soon I will be sharing it all with YOU!

I didn’t wait for my ideas to be set in stone, or absolutely perfect before I launched them. I started and as I am getting feedback from my friends and followers, I am adapting and changing. Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction!

Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction!


Others will not necessarily understand your ambition, nor your drive to make change. That’s because they don’t see the world the way you see it. Accept that we are not all the same, and that they may have their ambitions and goals, which you do not understand. However, you need to share what you are doing because you never know when or where someone may be able to help you.

You also never know who is listening and may share your passion and want to help.

I would never have succeeded without the help of many of my mentors, and even people in the audiences I have spoken to around the world. Sometimes help has come from the most unexpected places or conversations.

I have attached a small story at the end of this blog to explain what I mean.

But first, the most important part of your mission – is to ACT!


Start the planning process in your head or even down on paper and start to build your idea into actions. Small actions to start, with small steps, all taken slowly.

Remember – You cannot run before you can walk!

So, KISS – Keep It Simple Sweetheart!

The next series of blogs will all be about how we start the Foundation actions.

Getting Ready for Unbelievable Opportunities

Miracles do exist

A story to finish the year

A friend was telling me about her neighbour’s daughter and how she had been saving up for Christmas. Molly was 8 years old. Molly overheard a conversation between her mum and dad regarding her brother Timothy. Timothy was just 6.

Molly didn’t get all the points of the conversation between her mum and dad but she understood that her brother was not well and needed an operation, and that her mum and dad were very upset.

Unfortunately, Molly’s father had no job and the family didn’t have any money to pay for the operation. As Molly listened, she heard her parents crying and her mum saying that “only a miracle” could save Timothy.

The next day, Molly went to her cupboard and took out her Christmas jar of savings and counted it. She carried the jar to the local pharmacy shop and waited in line to be served.

She waited very patiently but the pharmacist was busy talking to another man. As her arms were getting tired carrying the jar, she politely interrupted the pharmacist and asked to be served.

The man stepped away from the counter and the pharmacist leaned over and asked what the little girl wanted.

“I need a miracle please”, said Molly.

“I am afraid we don’t sell miracles here”, said the pharmacist a little agitated that he had been interrupted.

“I have the money to pay for it”, said Molly holding up her jar. “It’s really important because my brother Timothy has something growing inside him and my mum says we need ‘a miracle’ and then everything will be ok.”

The man who had stepped away from the counter, stepped forward and bent down towards Molly. “Can I ask you how much money you have?”

“I have 2 dollars and 21 cents”, said Molly. “Is that enough for a miracle? I can try and get some more if you need me to”.

“No, 2 dollars and 21 cents is the exact price of a miracle. Could you take me to see your brother Timothy and your parents because I am a doctor and I think I can help”.

The man was a surgeon and operated on Timothy, taking just the 2 dollars and 21 cents from Molly as payment!

So, share your goals because you never know who is listening and available to help you.

You will become a member of our Madinaut Community.

Our website and blog will keep you updated and informed with relevant guidance to support your development.

We will also provide you with templates, e-books and downloadables that we have created to add momentum to your quest – Meaning: You will achieve your ambitions faster, overcome any challenges, and be ready to grasp new opportunities as they appear before you.

Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank

Author Madi No Excuses!

Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist

Listed as 1 of Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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