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The Feasibility of Achieving Your Ideas: An Exploration of Possibilities

It is FEASIBLE to turn YOUR ideas into actions and onto successes.

“It always seems impossible, until it is done,” said Nelson Mandela So let me explain how and why everything is Feasible, including YOUR idea.

  • Making Your Dreams Come True: Steps To Take To Achieve Your Ideas

  • Achieving Your Goals: Strategies for Turning Ideas into Action

  • The Challenges of Turning Ideas Into Action: What You Need to Know

  • How to Turn Your Dreams into Reality: A Guide to Achieving Your Goals

  • Feasibility: Inspiration from those who have gone before

Let me start by giving you the example of the humble bumble bee:

According to 20th-century folklore, the laws of aerodynamics prove the bumblebee should be incapable of flight as it does not have the capacity, in terms of wing size or beats per second to achieve flight with the degree of wing-loading necessary. Theoretically impossible but we all know the bumble bee flies!

Ok, it’s a myth, but on an initial review its difficult to comprehend how the fluffy little bug, essential for pollination in our gardens, manages to fly so nimbly. Nevertheless, it does, and it can, and it exceeds our expectations of its capabilities!

So, now over to you - Let’s get YOU flying!

Making Your Dreams Come True: Steps To Take To Achieve Your Ideas

So, no doubt you are asking yourself:

Is my idea possible?

Can I make it a reality?

And you should be telling yourself, “YES” “YES” to both of these.

Seriously, if you are not telling yourself that “ITS POSSIBLE! “, then you might as well give up already, and these blogs may not be for you!

We need people with a positive frame of mind to succeed in turning their ideas into actions.

No matter how big your Fantasy and your Absolute Commitment, we can make them possible and achievable!

I believe that there is nothing that cannot be achieved if there is a willingness of someone to do it. The determination and conviction of that person to achieve their goals means they will persist, innovate, redesign and strive to find every option to succeed in achieving their objective.

This is exactly where the exploratory part... the ‘naut’ of Madinaut comes from and overcoming the nine- dot challenge I set you earlier. You must be willing to dig deep inside yourself to understand your conviction and go out into the world to discover the solutions to bring your idea to implementation as an action.

We are all bumble bees!

All my blogs for you are about going through a process.

Some of it may feel like repetition but it’s a reminder to make sure you have completed each stage of our journey …. after all you are not going to get very far if you missed first lesson on having an idea – We need your idea, because your idea came from a thought, and we are trying to make sure that that thought is not wasted.

There is a new blog every Friday on each step of the process, with some backed up at the beginning of the year for those readers who want to move forward faster. Plus, you can follow me on social media and watch the videos with audio or subtitles.

We each have a different learning style, so I am doing my best to make sure I am including you, and your ideas.

And of course,

Achieving Your Goals: Strategies for Turning Ideas into Action

I continue to ask you even at this early stage to trust in the process and trust in yourself and your abilities.

I know you have the potential, so please put all your worries to one side, or better still, remove them completely from the mind that is controlling you!

Worries are not needed!

You should by now be seriously thinking, if not starting to solidify what you have written on your Blank Piece of Paper,and in the next blogs we are going to talk about your Absolute Commitment and setting your goals, or as we call them your Madinaut Milestones.

This is a process all successful people have been through, including me. It is also a process I am currently going through to build this blog and our Madinaut Community, both of which are new projects for me, and support my Absolute Commitment of turning 7 billion ideas into action, including YOURS!

However, I do not expect you to blindly follow me, so here are some fabulous books of others who have shared similar wisdom, or who have been on a similar journey.

My Top 10 Self-Help Books

§ My all-time favourite is Napoleon Hill – Think And Grow Rich : available in almost all languages in the world, Think and Grow Rich has been called the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature."

§ Robert T. Kiyosaki’s - Rich Dad Poor Dad : is a must to understand how to get the most out of money - What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

§ Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist : How treasures found on a journey teach us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the signs along life’s path, and, above all, following our dreams.

§ Eckhart Tolle – The Power of Now : How to live in the present moment.

§ Dale Carnegie – How to Win Friends and Influence People : Carnegie believed that most successes come from an ability to communicate effectively versus brilliant insights.

§ James Redfield – The Celestine Prophecy: This book can help you understand why you are where you are in life and align you with a new optimism for your future.

§ Deepak Chopra – The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success : Chopra’s teachings are summed up in 7 simple principles which can be applied to all areas of your personal life to create success.

§ Norman Vincent Peale – The Power of Positive Thinking : This book proves that an attitude can change lives, win success in all things, and overcome obstacles.

§ Stephen R. Covey – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People : Covey reveals a pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity–principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

§ Spencer Johnson – Who Moved My Cheese : An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life

The Challenges of Turning Ideas Into Action: What You Need to Know

I know some of you may still be struggling with writing something concrete on the top of your Blank Piece of Paper - Don’t panic, it will come, keep working through the process even if you have several things you want to achieve or even none!

If, however, you are 100 percent determined that what you have on your (now completed) Blank Piece of Paper, the EXACT thing you want to do and it is SPECIFIC, then you can write it in bold ink, and this is the thing you are going to Focus on, nothing else!

If you have an idea, the first step is to turn it into action and to start making it a reality.

This can be a daunting task, but with the right mindset and approach, it is definitely achievable.

Please keep these things in mind as we move towards your success, however you define it:

Understand the Process:

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for turning an idea into action. Depending on the nature of your idea, the steps involved may vary but remember to carry out each step of the process in depth to strengthen your idea and begin the actions towards success. You can try to cheat by missing a few out, but it will likely lead to you having to go back to the missing point further down the line.

Don’t Make Excuses:

It's easy to come up with excuses for why we can't turn our ideas into action. But if we want to be successful, we need to push past these excuses and take positive steps forward.

Be Persistent:

The road to success is rarely smooth sailing. There will be challenges and setbacks along the way. But if you are persistent and keep moving forward, eventually you will reach your goal.

Don’t Be Distracted:

I think I am putting this in specifically for me. I am following the process that I am teaching you as it has always worked for me previously and brought me success beyond my expectations. But as I am developing something new, and completely out of my comfort zone, I am having to do lots of research, and that keeps taking me down tempting alternative paths, which either end up at a dead end, or distracting me away from my Absolute Commitment …. Beware of the evils of distractions and know your enemies!

How to Turn Your Dreams into Reality: A Guide to Achieving Your Goals

So, the challenges of turning ideas into action are many, but the rewards can be really great, when you achieve your success!

To increase your chances of success, you need to understand and follow the process and be willing to work hard, with no excuses.

The first step is to have a great idea. - This may seem obvious, but it's worth repeating: without a great idea, you'll never get anywhere. This is why I keep asking about your Blank Piece of Paper.

Your idea needs to be something you are passionate about.

Once you have your great idea, the next step is to start taking action.

This means doing things like market research, building your products or services and talking to potential customers. All things we will discuss when we get to that part of the process.

For now, I want you to know, that your idea is Feasible – Possible- and I want to give you some examples of others who have succeed in the face of adversity.

Feasibility: Inspiration from those who have gone before

The most commonly used example of the feasibility of turning an idea into an action, is that of inventor Thomas Edison, who gave us the light bulb: The history books tell us that he attempted the process over 10,000 times proving the common saying, ‘Success is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.’

A more modern-day example is Angry Birds:

Angry Birds was developed 52 times before the successful game that we know today was achieved. The game has more players than the population of any single country, and more downloads than the number of people on the planet!

Think of the marketing potential! Peter Vesterbacka, one of the founders of the company, has used Angry Birds to promote Entrepreneurship and new forms of education around the world.

But my favourite sentence on why his company Rovio remained in Finland and did not move to Silicon Valley was because ‘In Finland, they can walk on water, so anything is possible.’

So, what I want to share with you is that whatever the idea, the Fantasy, you have defined, you can make happen. However, please bear in mind – the way you expect it to happen may turn out to be different than expected.

Hence it is important for you to continually keep your mind open and search for the clues and the opportunities, which if adapted, if changed, if diversified, could ensure the end goal can be delivered. You must keep thinking out the box as all the solutions are there!

Take your inspiration from our great men and women of the past and the present... Imagine being explorer Christopher Columbus, Marie Skłodowska Curie, physicist and chemist; and the millions of people like these who lived without the internet and yet influenced the future of mankind.

Imagine being Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, or Mahatma Gandhi, people who have influenced millions of others whilst facing hardships, without fortunes in their pockets and without social media!

How did they succeed?

The list of people who committed themselves to achieving their goals is endless and no doubt they crossed new horizons beyond those they could ever have imagined when they started their quests.

Spend a day on the internet and understand how many of the freedoms, products, services we take for granted today never existed until someone had the idea and made it happen... Fire! The Wheel! Electricity! The internet!

Those people were like you and me, they were all just human beings.

So, if they can do it, why can’t we?

Why can’t You?

And before you start with your list of reasons, let me remind you... No Excuses!

Do some research and understand that whatever the field, whatever the achievement, the seed started as a Fantasy.

The Fantasy was then worked on and implemented because the person believed it was Feasible! No Doubt! Your Fantasy is Feasible too.

At the same time thank the guys, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who invented Google and who have now made your research so much easier. Did you know that was a Feasible idea started as a University research project?

We are very lucky to live in an age when we can access any information we want and prove to ourselves our idea is possible and will work!

Today, these years, are the best ever for people to turn their ideas into action because all the information you need is at your fingertips.

So, what are you waiting for?

Now, let me take all that away from you, no internet!

Could you convince yourself and others that your idea is Feasible?

By the end of these next set of blogs must be able to say YES!

You must believe in yourself and in your idea. You must know it is possible, and that you will achieve it. You must never show any doubt.

It is not your idea you are doubting but your own abilities and that will reflect when you communicate with others.

So, let’s make the Feasibility of what you want to do more concrete by analysing the process of your possible current thinking.

You may be saying “Well my vision is not clear; I cannot see how this will happen?”

The first part of this therefore is about you going back to your Fantasy, your words on your Blank Piece of Paper and the picture on your New Horizon Map and make the images clearer in the areas where the vision is fading slightly at the edges.

Strengthen the image, use stronger colours, more defined characters if you can, where you see a haze, put a strong picture. Go back through the Fantasize section and redo it until the vision is clear.

You will become a member of our Madinaut Community.

Our website and blog will keep you updated and informed with relevant guidance to support your development.

We will also provide you with templates, e-books and downloadables that we have created to add momentum to your quest – Meaning: You will achieve your ambitions faster, overcome any challenges, and be ready to grasp new opportunities as they appear before you.

Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank Author Madi No Excuses! Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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