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The Madinaut Community

Make A Difference Ideas: A Changemaker Community Turning Ideas into Action

I would love to invite you join our Madinaut Community of Changemakers and Entrepreneurs who are turning their ideas into action for the benefit of society.

In 2012, I wrote a book “Madi No Excuses!”. Until now, it’s the first and only place you will find the word “Madinaut” because I created the word especially for the book.

Now, I want to bring that concept to life, and I would like to include YOU in the journey.

So, let me try and explain what it’s all about:

ü Madinauts: A Community Of Change Makers and Entrepreneurs

· What is a Madinaut?

· The Madinaut Community?

· What do YOU get from being a Madinaut

· Who can be a Madinaut?

ü Create Change

· Why do we need Maudinauts?

· Is the Madinaut Community for me?

ü Make an Impact

· Where do Madinauts come from?

· When are Madinauts most effective?

ü Be an Explorer

· How do I join?

· How much does it cost?

ü Current Projects

· What is the Madinaut community already doing?

· Who is behind the Madinaut Community?

ü Connect With Us


Madinauts: A Community Of Change Makers and Entrepreneurs

The concept of Madinauts comes from my book, Madi No Excuses!

The book has the goal of ‘Turning 7 Billion Ideas to Action – including YOURS!’

I wanted to provide a concept for people like you and me, ‘doers’: People who know they can make a difference; People who have a passion to drive change; Entrepreneurs turning their ideas into action; And people who want to leave a legacy. Of course, all these people have one thing in common: No Excuses!

If this is you:

What is a Madinaut?

Why Madinaut? I hear you say...

Let’s break it down so you get my meaning:

MADI – Make a Difference Ideas, (It’s my name, my brand and my mission)

NAUT -An explorer, someone searching for opportunities to widen horizons. (Your name, your brand, your mission)

Hence, a Madinaut is simply an action focused person: someone who is exploring opportunities and identifying new ways of turning ideas into action to drive the change they want to see.

Madinauts are the ones creating a new landscape and environment so that more ideas can be turned into more actions for the benefit of humanity and for the survival of our ONE planet.

The Madinaut Community

7 Billion Ideas to Action

Our vision is to ensure that human capital is valued and ideas realised for the benefit of humanity and planet.

Our mission is small and simple: To turn 7 billion ideas to action – Including YOURS!

Our objective is to enable individuals and organizations to effect positive change, by turning their ideas into action, and by achieving their own success, however they define it.

We believe that everyone has the potential to be a Changemaker, and that everyone is an Entrepreneur (which is not the same as a business), and we are holding our hands out to help.

What do YOU get from being a Madinaut

For the majority of us very fortunate people, we have two ears for listening, two hands for doing, two feet for moving... and we have just one mouth.

The lesson is, listen more, speak less and do more!

Madinauts are people who will take their ideas and put them in action, they don’t just talk about them.

You may have wonderful ideas which could solve an issue in your community or even completely revolutionise the world... You may be a true visionary.

But, if you do not use that idea and turn it into an action, then I am sorry but it is nothing more than a wasted thought!

Our objective is to stop the wasted thoughts and turn YOUR ideas into actions.

Beyond that, as with anything, you get out of something, what you put into it.

But our Focus is on YOU and helping you achieve YOUR success, however you define it.

The Madinaut Community will be a safe and supportive space for people to listen, learn, teach, share, inspire, benefit, support, and connect with others who are passionate about making a difference.

Madinauts will be able to access resources, support, and advice from us and the community. Additionally, they will also have the opportunity to collaborate on projects and initiatives that they are passionate about.

By the way, the Madinaut Community is free to join and use.

Who can be a Madinaut?

We welcome everyone who shares our commitment to make a difference.

Every morning when I wake up I remind myself how grateful I am to have been born where I was born. I take a few seconds to thank the Universe.

Not only do I have a privileged life compared to most in the world but I have been given a responsibility to use that privilege. I therefore try and maximise every minute of the day into making the world a better place for those less fortunate than myself.

That said, I have just ONE goal every day: I should change the life of just ONE person during that day so that my day on the earth was worth it.

It’s not easy, and I am not perfect, but I am doing my best to achieve this goal daily.

Therefore, it goes without saying, everyone is included.

Inclusivity, diversity, equality has always been at the heart of our work.

We believe that everyone has the power to effect change, and we are dedicated to empowering as many people as possible to do so.

We know that true change can only be achieved when we work together, when we understand others, when we cross boundaries and welcome all cultures.

A mind is like a parachute – It only works when its open.

The Madinaut Community has open minds, open doors and open arms.

We are committed to building an inclusive community where everyone feels welcome and valued. We want to listen, learn, teach, share, inspire, support and do, together, to bring positive change in the world.

Create Change

Why do we need a Madinaut Community?

The concept for creating a Madinaut Community is this:

If I give you one coin and you give me one coin, we each have one coin.

But if I give you one idea, and you give me one idea, we will both have two ideas.

There are seven billion people on this planet,

If each person has the opportunity to turn just ONE idea each into an action:

How many global challenges could we solve?

Poverty, hunger, climate change, cancers, epidemics, natural resource management .....

It is not the politicians that will create the solutions for the global challenges.

It will be the Yous and Mes of this world. It will be the People!

It is not money that is the true capital in the world – It is the ideas from our brains.

It is the Human Capital that we must maximise by turning ideas in to action and valuing people!

That’s the reason we need to come together as a Madinaut Community, so that we can help you, and when you succeed, you can help someone else. Along the way, we will both keep learning, which means we will both have more to share… And before too long, ONE idea to action, will become 7 billion ideas to action! It’s what is known as Paying It Forward

Should I join the Madinaut Community?

Before you can answer that, you need to be able to answer two questions.

These are our only criteria for eligibility – We accept it might not be the right time for everyone to join.

To become a Madinaut, I need you to consider this:

Gandhi said, “You must be the change you want to see” - What change do you want to see?

Madi says: “You must be the change you want to see – No Excuses!” Are you a No Excuses person?

Our community, and our work, is dedicated to turning ideas into action. We believe that everyone has the potential to be a force for good, and we're committed to supporting members of our community as they work to make a positive impact.

If you share our vision and are interested in becoming part of our community,

Together, we can make a difference.

Make an Impact

Where do Madinauts come from?

The Madinaut Community is made up of individuals and communities committed to making positive change in their communities.

They come from across the globe and from all backgrounds.

As we do not believe is boxes, we do not set criteria.

Everyone is welcome.

What we offer

We envision a world in which people are empowered to create positive change, and we're working to make that vision a reality.

We provide resources and support to help our members take action and make an impact, and we're always looking for ways to do more to help members achieve their goals.

We provide our members with opportunities to connect with other Changemakers, share resources, and collaborate on projects. We also offer educational resources and workshops to help members develop the skills they need to be effective Entrepreneurs and Changemakers.

Our goal is to empower our members to create lasting positive change in their communities, and globally.

Furthermore, the Madinaut Community is free to join and use, and we welcome everyone who shares our commitment to making a difference.

We do charge fees for some of our services, such our online courses, trainings, workshops, mentoring, back office services and one-on-one coaching. This keeps work sustainable.

When are Madinauts most effective?

Madinauts are most effective when they are focused and supported, and that is the key objective of our Community and our work.

Whether you are an Entrepreneur, Changemaker, business, social activist, policymaker, NGO, or media, everyone in our community is here because they want to make a difference, and because time is of the essence.

We also pride ourselves on being a supportive and inclusive community. No matter what your background is, you'll find a home here, and you will find help here.

We are new, (Jan 2023) but no excuses! we will strive to build, improve and evolve.

We believe that growth is essential, both as individuals and as a community.


How do I join?

The Madinaut Community is open for passionate and driven individuals and organisations to get involved.

This includes:

· Those who need help

· Those who can give help,

· Those who have an idea and want to turn it into an action.

We also welcome those who want volunteering or interning experience.

We welcome partners and associates who can support our work, and who, like our members are active Entrepreneurs or Changemakers with No Excuses!

Donations are always appreciated and help us continue our work in turning ideas to action.

Please contact us directly by joining. Every little helps!

How much does it cost?

It costs nothing – Its FREE - to be a part of the Madinaut Community. There is no membership fee.

There will be options to take up certain fee-based services, but they are optional and without pressure.

Some of the services that have associated fees include one-on-one coaching, group coaching, workshops, and events. Fees for these services are based on a sliding scale, so that everyone can access them regardless of their financial situation. We feel that it’s important to make our services accessible to as many people as possible, so that they can benefit from the collective wisdom and experience of the community.

We believe that charging for some of our services helps us keep the community accessible and sustainable, so that we can continue to provide valuable resources and support to changemakers around the world.

It is a common misconception that Social Entrepreneurs and Changemakers do not need to generate revenue. The reality is that most Social Entrepreneurs are running businesses, and like any business, they need to generate revenue to sustain themselves.

Current Projects

What is the Madinaut community already doing?

The official start is in January 2023, but we are proud to say that since November we have been gathering momentum through our blog on our WESTTWORLD site, which has 3 posts per week on getting you started as a Madinaut. Check it out!

Our training, coaching and consultancy work has been ongoing for the last 30 years, and we are now redesigning and updating some of our materials to make them available for the Community.

Our WESTTWORLD site has been posting global awards, projects, funding opportunities and jobs for the last year.

Who is behind the Madinaut Community?

Madi Sharma, (me) and my team are behind the Madinaut Community because we wrote Madi No Excuses! and this is an outcome of the book.

As an Entrepreneur of 35 years, having started in my kitchen at home to building several companies which have traded internationally, to being an expert in European policy making through my position as a member of an EU institution in Brussels, I have acquired tremendous knowledge, learning and experience which I want to share.

Furthermore, I am a keynote speaker, moderator, TEDx presenter and freelance journalist, and have authored my own book on turning ideas into action. My team have been with me on my journey and together we want to Pay It Forward.

The capital investment to begin the Madinaut Community has come from Madi Group profits. Madi Group is a sole trader registered in the United Kingdom.

The Madi Group companies associated with the Madinaut Community, to provide expertise, knowledge and resources are:



Connect With Us

Whether you are just getting started or have been making change for years, we invite you to join us so we can support you in achieving your success, however YOU define it.

Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank

Author Madi No Excuses!

Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist

Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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