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This Valentine’s Day – Make sure your customers know they are loved: Exceed Expectations

Showing your clients that you care for them is the secret to retaining them, attracting new customers and getting the clients you have to spend more with you, and more frequently.

Let’s make this Valentine’s blog as a template for the year ahead where you really pay attention to making sure you exceed expectations and where all your stakeholders feel loved and valued.

  • Why Valentine’s Day is for Entrepreneurs & Changemakers

  • Celebrating Love on Valentine’s Day with your Customers

  • 10 Tips For Enhancing Your Customer Experience

  • How To Show Your Customers You Care for the Long Term

  • Gifts for Yourself This Valentine’s Day

Why Valentine’s Day is for Entrepreneurs & Changemakers

If you are anything like me, you hate the consumerism associated with Valentine’s Day. So, I am not writing this blog so that you sell more on Valentine’s Day this year, nor do I have anything to sell to you.

I just want to confirm that you are loved by us her at Madi Group, Madi No Excuses and WESTT.

I want you to understand that in the model you are creating to turn your ideas into action, you need to consider those people who you might be engaging with: Customers, clients, employees, suppliers, investors and other stakeholders.

When we fail to show love, respect or value to one another, how can we expect to develop something successful?

Let’s face facts, customer service has disappeared in many areas of the world, and especially where business is being done face to face. This is one of the reasons why consumers have chosen to move to buying online, because then they don’t have to deal with miserable counter staff.

But it doesn’t, and it shouldn’t, have to be that way.

In Madi Group we have a saying:

In the 21st century:

We don’t talk about B2B: business to business.

We no longer talk about B2C: business to customers.

Today, we must talk about H2H: human to human.

So, with that in mind, I thought this Friday blog, coming so close to Valentine’s Day, should be about how we better value ourselves as Entrepreneurs and Changemakers, by better valuing our customers.

As Entrepreneurs and Changemakers we see a problem, then find a way to solve it.

The problems that we are solving are usually for our clients. So, unless we better engage with our clients, and our stakeholders, how can we resolve their problems? We need their input to increase our business and develop new products. Hence by interacting more, our partners in our vision, will visit us more often, hopefully buy from us more frequently, or help us turn our ideas into action quicker.

Showing love to others, the process of giving, without any expectation of receiving in return, always yields greater benefits than we could ever imagine.

Customer service and stakeholder engagement is the easiest way to provide a win -win situation for everyone.

In simple terms, it’s all about YOU Exceeding Expectations.

It's about going above and beyond for somebody else, whether that means solving a problem, providing a solution to a challenge they may be having, or by providing them with an exceptional experience that they will never forget.

Entrepreneurs who excel at customer service understand that their customers are their most important asset, alongside their staff. They treat them accordingly and always strive to exceed expectations. In doing so, they not only build strong relationships with their customers, but also create lasting change in the world around them. As an Entrepreneur, your clients are the lifeblood of your business.

If you are a changemaker, people you engage with can become major stakeholders in the change you are seeking to make. Without them, turning your ideas into ideas will be a very lonely existence, often with challenging situations which you may struggle to solve alone, and this results in you being unable to achieve your goal of being able to drive the change you want to see.

Human contact, sharing the love, showing gratitude, must be your top priority.

Those around you should feel valued and appreciated. When you go above and beyond for them, they'll remember it and they'll keep coming back. It's not always easy to provide great customer service, but it's always worth it.

Please take time now to consider the times you have received great customer service:

How did it make you feel?

In what way did the person serving you exceed your expectations?

What did that person do, that you could adapt and share with your stakeholders?

Your customers, clients, or stakeholders, are the ones who keep your motivated, inspired and help you realise you goal of turning your ideas into actions. Show them that you're a changemaker who is always looking out for their best interests.

So, this Valentine’s Day, make sure your customers know they are loved and appreciated. And speaking of Exceeding Expectations, put a real effort into making sure every day is Valentine’s Day in your world.

Celebrating Love on Valentine’s Day with your Customers

Valentine’s love in the business or changemaker world is about celebrating and appreciating those who are part of your big vision! It’s a day to show them how much you care about them because they are part of your blank piece of paper, in the same way as I share with you that you are part of my Absolute Commitment of turning 7 billion ideas to action, including YOURS!

Making Your Actions Count

There are so many ways you can do this, and it doesn’t have to be expensive, but you do have to be willing to put in the effort.

You know, despite all the technology advances we currently have, sometimes it is just the human touch that makes the biggest difference. So, if you can

· Send out personalized handwritten notes or cards to your network to thank them for supporting you.

· Give a small gift, something handmade – cookies, cupcakes, even plant cuttings, or seeds – consider the things which fit best with your brand and your ideas.

· Create a campaign where you share testimonials or success stories about how you are reaching out to help others, or to describe what you are trying to achieve.

· Offer discounts or coupons to show your appreciation

· Plan fun events or activities that will make your stakeholders engage with you.

The Benefits of Showing Customers Love

Showing your customers and stakeholders some love will always have its benefits.

For one, it can help show them that you care about them and their business, and that they are respected, valued and appreciated. This can go a long way in building customer loyalty and repeat business.

Happy customers are more likely to recommend your products or services to others, which can help grow your business, and saves you a fortune on marketing costs!

Additionally, showing some love to your customers can help create a positive work environment for your employees. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work, which can lead to better customer service., and community engagement. This is often called Corporate Social Responsibility, (CSR) but it’s really nothing more than showing you value the ecosystem in which you work.

10 Tips For Enhancing Your Customer Experience

It only takes simple steps to make a difference.

Ensuring that your customers have a positive experience with your business and keep coming back for more can not only be fulfilling for them, but also for you.

1. Get to know your customers. Take the time to get to know them on a personal level. What are their likes and dislikes? What do they do for fun? What do you know about their family? What problems might they have that you can help them with? The more you know about them, the better you can serve them. It’s not about immediate returns, sometimes Paying It Forward, or investing time now, can pay back unexpected high returns.

2. Communicate with your customers regularly. Keep them updated on what's going on with your business and let them know about any new products or services that you're offering. Seek their comments on things you are considering doing with your business or on local issues happening in your community.

You are probably already doing it on social media – but forget about doing it in the real world!!!

3. Show your appreciation. Showing your customers that you appreciate their business is a great way to build loyalty and keep them coming back. Sending handwritten thank-you notes, giving out discounts or coupons, or simply saying "thank you" goes a long way in making your customers feel valued. I am always surprised by the number of businesses I enter where there is not even a hello or welcome!

4. Go above and beyond. Going above and beyond for your customers is a great way to show them that you care about their experience with your business. Whether it's going out of your way to help them solve a problem or providing them with exceptional service, making that extra effort will make a lasting impression.

5. Make it easy for customers to reach you. Promote your customer service channels heavily and make sure they’re easy to find and use. It’s essential you make sure that you get back to them in a timely manner, preferably without a call centre where those taking the calls have no understanding of your services or ethics! (You know which companies I am talking about!)

6. Train your team members to be customer centric. Empower your team to go above and beyond to help solve problems and meet customer needs. Very often it is not you who is the first point of interaction, so make sure those your work with understand exactly how you would like them to exceed expectations. This is all about delegating and accepting responsibility.

7. Continuously gather feedback and take action on it. On a longer-term basis, collect and analyse feedback. On all social media channels now there are analytics which we use to see followers, likes, demographics and so on, but how often have you applied this same strategy to turning your ideas in to action? If you want the success you deserve, the way you have defined it, then this is something you could try implementing now.

8. Pay attention to the details. You know that details are not my strength, but when it comes to making sure we put the customer at the centre of what we do, I make sure I don’t miss anything! From the way you answer the phone to the quality of your goods and the packaging, every touchpoint matters when it comes to creating a great customer experience. Think about and analyse everything you do to make your those you work with to turn your idea into action know they are loved.

9. Delight your customers at every opportunity. Find ways to surprise and delight customers throughout their journey with your brand. Or you can use surveys, customer interviews, and other data sources to constantly improve the interactive experience. Just make sure you are willing to accept the feedback you get and improve or adapt where it matters most.

10. Exceed Expectations – I just can’t say it enough. Put yourself in the shoes of those you are trying to serve and ask what would exceed your expectation? What should be done next to improve the experience? Then implement! Action! Do!

How To Show Your Customers You Care for the Long Term

These are my tips and things we practice in our business with our clients. In fact, it wasn’t even me who designed many of these added value points, it was one of my team who does our back office and customer relations work.

Always Personalize Communication

We are not taking about using mail merge - as customers we are not so stupid that we don’t recognise automated responses or personalised automation. No matter how you communicate with your customers, make sure to do it in a way that is personalized. This means using the customer’s name, addressing them by their title, and where possible sharing that you know exactly who they are and how they have already interacted with you. If you are communicating via email, take the time to write a well-thought-out message rather than a generic template. If you are sending a direct mail piece, include a handwritten note. Customers appreciate when you take the time to communicate with them in a way that is personal and tailored specifically for them.

Thank Your Customers

Thanking your customers is a great way to show them how much you appreciate their business. There are many ways to thank your customers, such as sending them a thank-you note, giving them a discount on their next purchase, or simply saying "thank you" in person. No matter how you choose to thank your customers, they will appreciate the gesture and feel valued by you and your company.

Make sure your customers know how much you appreciate their business by offering rewards and incentives that are truly unforgettable. Consider offering a loyalty program with exclusive benefits or hosting a customer appreciation event where your VIPs can enjoy special treatment and discounts. Whatever you do, make sure your customers feel appreciated every step of the way!

Listen to Customer Feedback

Your customers are the best source of information when it comes to determining what they want and need from your business. Make sure you are listening to their feedback and using it to improve your customer experience.

Social media is a great way to listen to what your customers are saying about your business. Be sure to monitor all of your social media channels regularly so you can quickly address any concerns or issues that come up.

Create a Community Space for Customers

As the customer service landscape continues to evolve, it's important to create a space where customers can interact with each other. This can be done through social media, forums, or even customer-only events. By creating a community space, you are giving customers a place to voice their concerns, share their stories, and connect with others who may be experiencing the same thing. Not only does this build brand loyalty, but it also allows you to get feedback and ideas from your customers directly….and very often they bring friends and family to these spaces, increasing your visibility at little extra cost.

Gifts for Yourself This Valentine’s Day

I cannot end this blog without reminding you that you have to first love yourself before you can love anyone else.

As I said in the Definition of Success blog: It is important that you recognise, if you are not happy, those around you will not be happy, and the same goes for loving and being loved.

Everything we are doing is about YOU first – Making sure YOU exceed your own expectations by achieving the success you deserve.

So please make sure this Valentine’s Day, that as well as loving those around you, your customers and your stakeholder, you also love yourself. ….and that means treating yourself with loving kindness, and gifts!

I am not a certified coach, but I am an experienced leader who has been working on personal development and communication for several decades. I don’t bite, and I don’t charge unless I know I can help. All initial conversations are free and confidential.

Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank Author Madi No Excuses! Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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