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Understanding the Neuroscience of Goal Setting - The Law of Success

Making it happen

I want to share with you the “Madi Science”, neuroscience, behind how goal and milestone setting works and I will give you the actual example of how I achieved my Jaguar using this method.

In the last blog I shared with you the Definitions: Dreams, Ambitions, Goals and Setting and Achieving Goals: A Step-by-Step Guide so that you can achieve your Absolute Commitment and the success you deserve, the way you have defined it. I also shared with you how I have already achieved at least two of my Madinaut Milestones; From setting milestones to reaching the destination.

So, now let’s consider:

The Psychology of Setting and Achieving Goals

Before we get into this, let me start by saying I am not a scientist, neurologist, psychologist or anything else with an “ist” at the end. I just know that this method works because not only have I been using it, but for centuries others have been utilising the same practices to achieve their success.

Think and Grow Rich

I only recommend ONE book when it comes to learning about success, and that is the global best seller, which has been revised over recent years:

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Think and Grow Rich has been called the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature." It was the first book to boldly ask, "What makes a winner?" The man who asked and listened for the answer, Napoleon Hill, is now counted in the top ranks of the world's winners himself.

The most famous of all teachers of success spent "a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort" to produce the "Law of Success" philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized in this one.

In the original Think and Grow Rich, published in 1937, Hill draws on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation to illustrate his principles. In the updated version, Arthur R. Pell, Ph.D., a nationally known author, lecturer, and consultant in human resources management and an expert in applying Hill's thought, deftly interweaves anecdotes of how contemporary millionaires and billionaires, such as Bill Gates, Mary Kay Ash, Dave Thomas, and Sir John Templeton, achieved their wealth. Outmoded or arcane terminology and examples are faithfully refreshed to preclude any stumbling blocks to a new generation of readers.

The Power of Visualizing Your Goals

The psychology of setting and achieving goals is a fascinating topic.

There are many different theories and approaches to goal setting, but all share the common objective of supporting the process to help people achieve their dreams and ambitions.

There are many factors that contribute to our ability to set and achieve goals, including our motivation, our level of confidence, and our ability to stay focused. …. These are the most difficult challenges for most people, but the list can be endless!

When we understand the psychological factors that influence goal setting and milestone achievement, we become better motivated to practice the process. And, when we hear the stories of others we become inspired and further motivated to give it a go, and that is exactly why I am sharing my story with you. …….Although I have to ask, please DO NOT write to Jaguar and ask for a car! Read on….

Without motivation, it can be very difficult to set and achieve goals. Motivation comes from internal factors, a desire to change or improve your life, or to reach a personal goal, or from external factors, such as wanting to please others or earn rewards.

Whatever your source of motivation, I am asking you to trust this process and follow it through to the end.

Believing in the process will give you the self believe you need to achieve your goals, and the success you deserve, the way youhave defined it.

Being motivated and having a strong focus, a clear image of your destination, means you will stay on track for your journey to your success, identifying all the opportunities along the way.

So let me dive straight in and give you my example of how I achieved my Jaguar.

Not Giving Up on Your Dreams:

My Madinaut Milestone Number 3: “I want a JAGUAR car.

Let me share a true story about how I just Fantasized about something and how that single fantasy never left my thoughts.

Since being a little girl, I always wanted a Jaguar. A male friend gave me a picture of a Jaguar when I was young.

It was on the lounge wall when I was married. It was on the office wall when I had the food company. I always kept that picture with me.

I saw it every day, as it was my constant reminder that one day have my own Jaguar. ….I didn’t know HOW? I just knew I would.

The picture acted as a visual reminder of my fantasy, my desire, and although I didn’t know it at the time, of my Madinaut Milestone.

I NEVER stopped dreaming and I never stopped believing that one day, I WOULD have a Jaguar car.

In 2002 I won the Asian Women of Achievement Award. I went to London to receive the prize at the Café Royal where there were around 500 people.

All the people in the room had the same place settings as me, both men and women. In the middle of every person’s plate, there was a leather pouch.

Inside the leather pouch, there was a Jaguar key ring.

When I saw that, I was almost physically sick.

This was my sign – This was a symbol that told me my opportunity had appeared.

Now it was the time to grab that opportunity, and I didn’t hesitate!

I had been Fantasizing about that moment since I was a little girl, and now the time had come to realise my vision, achieve my Madinaut Milestone, IF I was prepared to take action.

I was the only one in the room who did what I did the next day.

The Science behind Goal Setting

A slight distraction in the story here, but I need to explain to you the ‘science’ of the Madinaut theory on what exactly is happening here:

When you really want something, you visualise it, or you say it out aloud repeatedly and regularly. In essence it is constantly on your mind and in that way, you remain Focused on your desire.

(Remember the days of first love, can’t eat, can’t sleep just dream about the new love... same principle here).

The Madinaut theory is also that we are telling the Universe what we want and hence the Universe will help us achieve it.

Images and words, send impulses into the brain. Those impulses sends a ‘want, want, want’ message to the brain.

The brain sends an impulse to your subconscious and your subconscious looks for clues.

When I found the Jaguar keyring, my subconscious was basically so excited it was jumping up from my stomach to my throat to say, “Hey Wake up! This is your clue! This is your opportunity... Grab it.”

Here is the sad fact, most people acknowledge that they recognise the signs sometimes, but then don’t do anything about it.

When your subconscious acknowledges it finds a clue to help you access your desire, it sends a direct impulse to the brain, to send an impulse to your hands and feet to start... ACTION!

Remain inactive and you lose the opportunity!

Overcome Fear and Chase Your Dreams

So, with my Jaguar key ring placed besides me on the table, the next day I sent a handwritten letter to Jaguar. Nothing special, but I made the effort to hand write, to share who I was and how that fitted into the Jaguar philosophy and mission. I shared my successes and how I could help Jaguar.

It was a very simple letter. The issue here is not the content of the letter, but the fact that I actually made the effort to write, the fact that I took action, and whilst doing it all, I was Focused on the outcome of having a Jaguar!

Most people think about it, but don’t do it, and the opportunity is lost because the thought was wasted.

The letter basically said, “Dear Jaguar, I know this is cheeky, but if you do not ask, you do not get: Do you want to sponsor me?”

I included all the press cuttings and my work, telling them about the Awards I had won and who exactly was Madi Sharma.

Three days later, I got a call from the cell phone of Jonathan Browning – MD of Jaguar UK. “Madi it was so nice to receive your letter. Congratulations on your Award. But we just don’t give cars away.”

Nothing ventured nothing gained – Remain positive

Okay, let’s pause and focus on a very important lesson :

Mr Browning had called me directly, he did not ask someone else to do it, treating me with the same respect I had shown to Jaguar. I will never forget that phone call.

Jonathan had said “No” - but what had I lost? Nothing, just the cost of a stamp and my time to prepare the letter!

However, I now had attracted his attention and he, the Managing Director of Jaguar UK, had called ME on his mobile. What courtesy! What a nice man! What a great company! I would have been really satisfied just knowing I had received that result.

Nevertheless, Mr Browning went on to say, “But if you ever wanted to borrow a car, Jaguar HQ at Coventry could provide you with a car and with a driver!”

That offer came because in my letter I had shared that I worked with The UK Prime Minister on Government Task Forces and with Buckingham Palace on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards, and as a result often attended high profile events.

Mr Browning ended the call by explaining that somebody would call me and set up the details in a few days. I thanked him for his kind offer and believe me I had the biggest smile possible.

A few weeks later, I got a phone call, “Hi, this is Karen Strange at Jaguar VIP... Which car do you want?”

This was not a request for a one-off occasion to borrow a car – No! It was an offer from Jaguar to sponsor me for a year... which actually ended up being two years!

My Fantasy and Madinaut Milestone had materialised. I could now scratch it off!

As absurd and as crazy as it may sound, I made it happen. I never gave up on my vision, and the Jaguar picture is still with me today.

OK, so you know that as I achieved that Madinaut Milestone, the process must be continued and repeated.

So, what have I replaced the Jaguar with?

My ideal Fantasy, an Aston Martin DB7.

(I can see the faces of the people at Aston Martin now thinking I have just dropped this line into my book and this blog to get an Aston Martin! But Mr Aston Martin, all my audiences and students will tell you it has been my Madinaut Milestone since having had the Jaguar).

When Your Ethics Conflict with Your Goals

However, I have to explain something very complex here:

At £200,000+ ($/€ 240,000+) will not buy one.

No matter how successful, rich or poor I am, I could not justify buying one because I have dedicate much of my money to developing businesses and projects that can support others.

£200,000 could go a long way to helping a village in Africa, India or Bangladesh. Likewise, I would not allow my partner to buy me such an expensive gift either, because whilst his money is his, our ethics in life should be somewhat similar.

So, I am down to Aston Martin sponsoring me, and paying the fuel and the insurance!

The very strange thing is, I know I am going to have one! And that Madinaut Milestone is then almost irreplaceable with another car!

Why Goal Setting Is Crucial for Success

My story is true and each of us has our own goals and milestones, and our own ethics. I do not judge anyone else. What I want to make clear is that goal setting and achieving your Madinaut Milestones is all about what YOU want, not anyone else.

As an Entrepreneur, it is essential to have a clear and focused mind. One way to ensure this is by completing the blank piece of paper exercise and by setting out your Madinaut Milestones.

So that’s your only homework for this weekend.

I am not a certified coach, but I am an experienced leader who has been working on personal development and communication for several decades. I don’t bite, and I don’t charge unless I know I can help. All initial conversations are free and confidential.

Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank Author Madi No Excuses! Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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