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Unlock Your Inner Power: 7 Ways For Women To Invest in Themselves Through Nervous System Healing

It’s easy to get caught up in life’s hustle and bustle and forget to take care of ourselves, so, we should try to focus on the ways we can unlock our inner power through nervous system healing.

As I prepare this blog on Valentine’s Day, I am aware that most women not only fail to love themselves, but also fail to invest in themselves. As a result of this neglect, females frequently face physical and mental health issues that can be difficult to overcome. So let’s look at:

The Initial Signs of Malfunction

So, let me start by saying that I am not a doctor. What I am writing about here is knowledge gained through my experience as an Entrepreneur, Changemaker, manager, leader, mother and all the other different hats I wear as a performer!

I know that if I have gone through these symptoms and challenges, so, many other women are going through them too. Since I have discovered easy to implement remedies and actions, I would love to share them with you. The earlier you can start implementing changes to your daily routines, the easier you will find it to manage the challenges thrown at you and be able to harness your Inner Power.

So, let me ask you, rating yourself out of 10, do you frequently:

· Feel tired, physically and mentally fatigued?

· Feel like you're not good enough or that you're not doing enough?

· Feel like you have to do everything perfectly?

· Feel like you're not worthy of success or happiness?

· Feel like you're not deserving of love or respect?

· Constantly compare yourself to others and feel inferior?

· Have a fear of failing or making mistakes?

· Procrastinate or avoid taking risks?

Now I could tell you that going through menopause, I have those feelings all the time and my score for each one would be 8/10 for each one.

But well before menopause, I also frequently had those same feelings. It’s important to recognise that the initial signs of malfunction for female entrepreneurs, changemakers, managers , mothers and leaders can be subtle.

You may notice that you are having difficulty concentrating or that your mind feels foggy. I put it down to brain overload. You may feel more scattered and less able to focus on task at hand. You may feel more anxious or have difficulty sleeping.

All of the above, and especially if your scores for the questions above are more than 5/10, demonstrate that it’s time to take some “Me Time” - time for yourself to unplug and recharge.

Now, I know you will say that this is selfish, and so I refer you back to the blog on New Horizons where you need to put your own oxygen mask on , before you can help someone else. If you cannot breathe, you cannot help anyone else breathe.

There are many ways to do this, but one of the most effective is through nervous system healing.

What is Nervous System Healing?

Have you ever felt like something is holding you back from reaching your full potential?

Do you have difficulty focusing, are constantly exhausted and overwhelmed, or feel like your creativity is blocked?

It might be time to look inward and invest in yourself and especially invest in nervous system healing can help unlock your inner power and transform your life.

NO! I am NOT selling you anything – there are no magic potions, no videos to watch or trainings to sign up to!

This is for real, it’s just a list of very simple things I would like to you to consider for your personal wellbeing, and so that you can, success you deserve however you define it!

As a female, it can be easy to forget that we need to invest in ourselves in order to stay strong and healthy, so many people rely on us, so we must make sure we are Fit For Purpose to be relied on.

Taking care of our nervous system is one of the best investments we can make in ourselves.

I have therefore highlighted 7 ways to unlock your inner power through nervous system healing which have worked best for me. I know if you can implement them in your life you will see instant results and overtime a transform of your life to become the best version of yourself, and achieve the goals you want to reach.

Understanding the Nervous System and Its Role in Mental and Physical Health

In today's fast-paced world, it is more important than ever for female Entrepreneurs, Changemakers and leaders to be aware of their own mental state. With the constantly changing landscape of business and the challenges that come with it, it is easy to become overwhelmed and bogged down by day-to-day stressors. This can lead to a deterioration of mental health and well-being if left unchecked – something that is fast becoming a burden on global health systems : “Nearly one billion people have a mental health disorder” (WHO).

For me, I required dramatic nervous system healing quite regularly, every six months – Just before I predicted I was about to have a meltdown or breakdown.

I would get myself into such a state that I used to check myself into a hotel and just have time with myself. I literally took everything out of my head, and then put it back inside my head in some kind of order. The moment I closed the hotel room door, I visualized the world stopping and I could step off, into my chamber, deep breath, and when I was ready, step back onto the revolving world. It worked a treat, but I got to the stage of saying I had to manage the situation before it got dramatic!

I found several ways to do this.

I used a combination of techniques which I built up over time and are now part of my daily routine.

I use a variety of methods including yoga, meditation, breathwork, and bodywork. I took time to nurture my nervous system, and soon noticed a decrease in stress levels, an increase in clarity and focus, and improved sleep. Not only did I feel better mentally and physically, but I was also better equipped to handle whatever challenges confronted me in business and in life.

To be clear – I am not a fitness freak, I hate jogging and full-on exercise. I love cakes and eating out and I remain overweight but the small changes I have made, have resulted in a huge change in my well-being.

It takes just a few key things for you to do to help protect your mental health and nervous system.

  1. First, it is important to be mindful of one's own stress levels and take time to relax and recharge when needed.

  2. Secondly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and exercise can help keep stress levels in check.

  3. Finally, seeking professional help when needed is crucial in order to prevent any further deterioration of mental health.

How to Start Practicing Nervous System Healing

KISS - “Keep It Simple, Stupid.” The important message here is that you START making changes from now. The simpler you keep it, the more likely you are to succeed.

As I don’t like negative words, I prefer, KISS – Keep it Simple & Straightforward, which means choose then options you know you can do, set aside a time, and then start and try and integrate a routine on a daily basis .

1. Make time for yourself: With a busy schedule, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. However, it's important to make time for activities that you enjoy and that help you relax. This can be anything from reading, going for walks, or taking a yoga class. Try not to make it about you having more time on social media!!

2. Connect with others: It's important to stay connected with friends and family members. These relationships can provide support and help you feel less isolated. Again, these are not your 5000 friends on Facebook or Instagram! Connect to real people who are around you.

3. Seek professional help: If you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling to cope, don't hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist/coach/mentor can provide guidance and support to help you through difficult times. Caveat here: choose wisely because everyone is a coach these days !

4. Take breaks: When you're feeling stressed, take a few minutes to step away from whatever is causing the stress. Take some deep breaths and allow yourself a few minutes of peace and quiet. – That means without your phone!!

5. Eat healthy and exercise: Taking care of your physical health is also important for your mental health. Eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve your mood. I know fast food is often the most convenient solution, but ask yourself if it is truly the BEST option for you?

Benefits of Nervous System Healing

There are many benefits to nervous system healing, especially for women. By investing in this type of healing, women and girls can improve their overall health, well-being, and quality of life. Benefits include:

1. Relief from stress and anxiety: This is the most common benefit of nervous system healing. The reduction in stress and anxiety can lead to improved moods, better sleep, increased focus and concentration, and more energy.

2. Increased immunity: A boost in immunity can help to protect against colds, flu, and other illnesses.

3.Improved cardiovascular health: This includes a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, as well as improved circulation.

4. Pain relief: For many women and girls who suffer from chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, migraines, period pains, or menopause, nervous system healing can provide significant relief.

5. Improved digestion: Nervous system healing can help to reduce bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive issues.

Specific Practices to Cultivate Self-Awareness & Reduce Stress

7 Ways Women & Girls Can Invest In Themselves Through Nervous System Healing

Meditation - Meditation helps to focus the mind, calm the nervous system, and promote healing. When you meditate, you are able to tap into your inner power and connect with your authentic self. This can be a powerful experience that leads to personal growth and transformation.

Personally, I use an app called Balance – Its free for the first year , and it really does work as it has specific programs which cover all your needs.

Breathwork - Breathing exercises are a great way to relax and de-stress. In fact, for me they are also part of meditation. They can be done anywhere, at any time, and don't require any special equipment. Just a few minutes of deep breathing can help to calm the mind and body.

The best part about breathing exercises is that they're free! You can do them anywhere, anytime. Next time you're feeling stressed, take a few minutes to yourself and try some deep breathing. You may be surprised at how much better you feel afterwards.

Yoga - There are many benefits of yoga, but the value of yoga for women is especially compelling. Yoga can help improve mental and physical health, and it can also be a powerful tool for managing stress. Yoga can also help to improve flexibility and strength, which can benefit women of all ages.

I have always been able to stand on my head, which is an amazing relaxation technique - but doing yoga doesn’t mean you have to do the tree pose, sun salutation or stand on your head. The simplest of yoga exercises can make the greatest of difference. I do nevertheless recommend you find a good yoga instructor before attempting any of the more difficult poses.

Movement - When we move our bodies, we bring fresh blood and oxygen to our tissues, which helps to reduce stress and inflammation. Movement also helps to release built-up tension in our muscles and connective tissues. There are many different types of movement practices that can be helpful for nervous system healing. Some examples include yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, Pilates, and all forms of dance. So, you have no excuses, you can always find a niche that suits you. It’s important to find a practice that makes you feel good and that you can commit to doing on a regular basis.

Journaling – is highly therapeutic - and surprisingly even when you don’t think you have time, when journaling becomes part of your routine, you make the time. ….so much so that my journaling turned into my book: Madi No Excuses!

Journaling can be a way to release pent-up emotions and process difficult life experiences. In fact, studies have shown that journaling can help improve mental health, reduce stress, and boost immunity. For many women, journaling can be a form of self-care. It allows them to express themselves freely without judgement. It also provides a safe space to reflect on thoughts and feelings. This can be an invaluable tool for managing anxiety and depression.

Journaling can also be used as a tool for setting goals and manifesting change. By writing down your dreams and aspirations, you are more likely to achieve them. This is because you are putting your intentions out there into the universe. Additionally, by regularly reflecting on your progress, you are more likely to stay on track and achieve your goals.

Nutrition & Diet Changes The nervous system is the body's control center, regulating everything from heart rate to digestion. When it's not working properly, it can cause a host of problems. There are many things that can contribute to an unhealthy nervous system, but one of the most important is diet. The food we eat has a direct impact on our nervous system health, so it's important to be mindful of what we're putting into our bodies.

Fortunately, making some simple diet changes can have a big impact on nervous system health. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. These are packed with nutrients that support nervous system health.

- Limit processed foods and sugar. These can contribute to inflammation and other problems that can lead to issues with the nervous system.

- Get enough protein. This nutrient is essential for nerve cell health.

- Drink plenty of water. This will help flush out toxins and keep the cells hydrated.

- Include healthy fats in your diet. These help support cell membranes and protect the nerves.

Self-Love and Self-Care Self-love , valuing yourself and self-care , looking after yourself, are the most important ways to prevent negative outcomes on your body and mind. So, taking time out for yourself, even if it's just a few minutes a day, is well worth it.

It can be anything that brings you joy or makes you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. It can be getting a massage or going for a run, reading, listening to music, or spending time in nature. No matter what form it takes, self-care is essential for maintaining your health and well-being. It's important to remember that you're not selfish for taking time out for yourself; on the contrary, you're taking care of yourself so that you can be better equipped to take care of others.

Above all, please try to ensure your self-love includes adequate sleep - Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night and establish a consistent sleep routine.

Strategies for Lasting Change

Investing in ourselves can often feel like a daunting prospect, but with the right guidance we can unlock our inner power and create lives of greater connection, creativity, and joy. Through nervous system healing we can begin to understand how our mental and emotional states are interconnected with our physical well-being. The challenge is to practice all of the activities above as part of your daily routine.

As Gandhi said: “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your word become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny”, so the more we can protect, promote and grow your positive thoughts, your mental health.

Making an Investment In Yourself That Lasts

I promised at the start that I am not selling you anything, nor am I promoting anything. However, I am holding my hand out to help you if you need help.

I am not a certified coach, but I am an experienced leader who has been working on personal development and communication for several decades. I can guide and advise you. I don’t bite, and I don’t charge unless I know I can help. All initial conversations are free and confidential.

Our website and blog will keep you updated and informed with relevant guidance to support your development.

We will also provide you with templates, e-books and downloadables that we have created to add momentum to your quest – Meaning: You will achieve your ambitions faster, overcome any challenges, and be ready to grasp new opportunities as they appear before you. Gandhi said, “You must be the change YOU want to see”

Madi says, “You must be the change YOU want to see – NO EXCUSES!”

Founder Madi Group

Founder Women’s Eco-nomic & Social Think Tank

Author Madi No Excuses!

Entrepreneur, International Speaker, Freelance Journalist

Listed as 1 of apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2018



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